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Re: does my website suck?

by stephenlauf, 2004.03.14 18:08


I too spent time enjoying your site and your work. Are you familiar with the paintings of Alvar Aalto? You mentioned being indebted to Keifer (I like his 'books' a lot too), but I also saw an affinity to some Aalto paintings I've seen published.

schizophrenia + architectures was a specific exhibit/project conducted via throughout 1999—complete with 2000 web pages late 31 December 1999 (now archived off-site). The content then was a combination of my work and my schizophrenic brother's writings. It was a completely open-ended project with no specific end result in mind. It was a very personal exhibit, and thus was not exactly a work of easy cohesion (but that was kind of the point). Now, five years later, schizophrenia + architectures is (sort of) the foundation of an in-progress novel, Un-Schloss Schizophrenia. What you'll see at Quondam as the current project progresses is the outline of the novel (to be published seperately later) plus the visual background to the making of the novel.

I haven't investigated the interactive 'movie script' of your site/work yet, but I'm guessing that I should because how I just described what I'm doing seems related in terms of process (ie, collecting voices/visions) being as much the work as the outcome.



Quondam © 2004.03.16