Column from the Cathedral of Parenzo.
Capitals from the interior of the Cathedral of Parenzo in Istria.
Plan of the church of the Cathedral of Parenzo in Istria, built in 542, with its dependencies, under the empire of Justinian and the pontificate of Pope Vigilius, by the care of Bishop Eufrasius, whose monogram is carved on several capitals of the nave. This monument of the sixth century is remarkable for the many vestiges of ecclesiastical antiquity which it still preserves. A square court, surrounded by porticos, like those of St. Clement at Rome, precedes the church, which is arranged after the manner of the ancient basilicas. The aisles are divided by antique columns of marble and granite, which support arches, the soffits of which are covered with ornaments in stucco as at the Church of St. Paul outside the walls of Rome. The greater part of the pavement is in ancient mosaic; the windows are closed by pierced slabs of marble, as at the antique amphitheater of Pola. Round the apsis terminating the nave is a circular bench in marble for the priests, with the episcopal chair in the centre. The walls of the apsis are inlaid with mother of pearl, porphyry, serpentine, and other precious materials; and the vault is covered with a painting in mosaic, representing in the center the Virgin with the child Jesus; and on the soffit of the arch are twelve medallions of Saints, with that of the Saviour in the center. Near the extremity of the left wing, and near the presbytery, is an ancient triclinium. It is composed of a vestibule, a hall of assembly, furnished with seats for the bishop and his clergy, and a small oratory. At the entrance end of the court is an octagonal baptistery, in front of which is the tower.
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