Encyclopedia Ichnographica

Aedes Herculis Musarum


Tempio d'Ercole della Muse: « Ovid. nel lib. 6 dei Fasti, Mazial. nel lib. 5, epigr. 50, Plin. nel lib. 35, al cap. 10, Sveton. in Augusto, al cap. 29, Plutarc. problem. 59, Eumen. nell'Oraz., pro repar. schol., e il frammento di marmo dell'antica pianta di Roma. nella Tavola XVI, al num. 3 » Intorno a questo tempio veggasi il cap. 3, art. VII.

Pagan - Christian - Triumphal Way 3123h 3123i 3123j 3123k

The Temple of Hercules and the Muses. This temple was close to the southwest part of the circus Flaminius, and is shown in the Capitoline Plan. It was built by M. Fluvius Nobilior after his campaign in Aetolia, about 187 B.C. In it was a statue of Hercules playing on the lyre, and terra cotta statues of the Muses, the work of Zeuxis. In 29 B.C. L. Marcius Philippus restored the temple and built a colonnade, the porticus Phillippi round it. This composite structure is mentioned as late as the fourth century, and some remains have been found in the piazza Mattei. (Platner)



2527h 3307k

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