Virtual Museum
International Ideas Competition

by &
Spring 2001

Quondam Commentary

The continuing computer science revolution explores worlds we know to exist and perhaps are always on the brink of discovering other worlds. Man, Art and Science can once again become inextricably tied - perhaps we can bring to life another type of 'Renaissance Man'.

The characteristics, the abilities, the instruments and most of all, the interests of the new artists will inevitably keep transforming, interminably. So, each time we will find ourselves thinking of places we have never seen, we might even try bending our mind to create art we have never imagined.

In Bruce Sterling's Holy Fire, the digital artists of the late 21st century are no longer hyphenated or hybrids. They are simply artificers. And in Interface Culture, Steven Johnson refers to a similar melding, a kind of vocation: "The artisans of interface culture have become some new fusion of artist and engineer - interfacers, cyberpunks, webmasters - charged with the epic task of representing our digital machines, making sense of information in its raw form."

Are not the three paragraphs to the left already a part of the actual past?




Quondam © 2004.02.15