From: Stephen Lauf
Subject: REPO MAN
Date: 2004.03.07 14:07

Before last night, the only other time I saw Repo Man was 20 years ago in a movie theater when it first came out. I remembered some of the actors/characters, but forgot almost everything else. Never expected the main character to be named Otto, or spontaneously laughing a lot too. [I feel] I now have a better understanding where movies like Pulp Fiction and (kinda) Suburbia came from.

from a few days ago at artforum/talkback:
do you think it too much in poor taste to have Napoleon married to James A. Williams in the forthcoming Un-Schloss Schizophrenia: Afterlife Address of Choice?

the party to officially announce the engagement of Cardinal Dougherty and Eva Stotesbury (his first, her fourth) is slated for 20 March 2004. unearthly delights galore.

7 March 2004:
You should hear all the "late antiques" discussing the sanctity of marriage and family values. A favorite game is to name all the relatives and in-laws killed by Constantine and his sons. Sam Goldwyn came up with a great movie idea that will surely please Dougherty--The Passion Reenactments of St. Catherine de Ricci: The True Story of a Bilocating Bride.

The Da Vinci Code and proposed Constitutional amendments are an ongoing source of entertainment.

The co-authored paper by Piranesi and Tertullian for the Horace Trumbauer Architecture Fan Club Convention is entitled De Spectaculis II.



Quondam © 2004.03.16