timepiece note

There is a general comment that I want to make, and it has to do with what I see happening as I get more and more of this chronosomatic theory down on paper. The theory itself is beginning to direct how I relate it. As I write more, every so often a flash of comprehension or inspirations occurs. The interconnectedness of the theory is blossoming, and this interconnectedness seems inherent to the theory. I am beginning to see what the Timepiece metaphor ultimately represents. For example, the notion that humanity has gone through and will continue to go through different phases of imagination verges on the profound.

If the theory of chronosomatics opens up all human imaginations, then it will accomplish much more than I ever imagined possible.

this page first appeard as page 0192 of schizophrenia + architectures




Quondam © 2004.04.03