...remind of Aalto's Malm Funeral Chapels (1950), where a pristine set of hypostyle hall columns were set on the hill above the chapels, demarking a third shift in angular spread started by the two chapel buildings, below. Quite a different set of body parts, there.
Chandigarh Capital Complex 2175
Philip Johnson, "House at New Canaan, Connecticut." Architectural Review, CVIII (September, 1950), pp. 152-59.
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Gleeson, Mulrooney, Matthewson & Neff, Saint Helena's Church (Philadelphia: Olney, 1950), images: 1999.06.05.
The legend of St. Helena having found the True Cross is explicitly manifest within the design of the church.
right: Santa Costanza (Rome: c. 357), view of barrel vault.
There is a curious similarity between the barrel vault of St. Helena's, Olney and the mosaic decoration within the barrel vault of Santa Costanza, Rome--Santa Costanza was originally the mausoleum of Constantina, the daughter of the emperor Constantine, and thus the granddaughter of Helena Augusta (St. Helena) as well.
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Frank Lloyd Wright, C. V. Morris Gift Shop (San Francisco: 1948-50).