447-438 BC

The Parthenon     Athens   Greece


Palace on the Acropolis   2124

not there   3800 3800b 3800c 3800d 3800e

...compile the repeated items of the Parthenon entablature.

scale and architecture
...a plan of the Parthenon and the Pantheon.

new Quondam
Replace the Ionic columns of the Altes Museum with the Parthenon columns (rescaled?).

Re: sculpture versus architecture
...comes across as very true as a reasonably way to approach "what is architecture?" as opposed "what is sculpture?" And for the most part I agree with the notion that architecture accommodates life. So I then ask if this 'definition' must be broadened to include all built forms that once accompanied life and a life style, but over time have come to no longer do so. I am thinking of ancient ruins, be they Stonehenge, the Pyramids, the Parthenon, the cave temples of India, etc. These are commonly referred to as examples of architecture, yet today they are clearly "objects which are for perception only."

Re: [Re:] enactment
Bank is a typology.
Temple is a typology.
Greek temples are a specific category of the temple typology.
The Parthenon is a specific Greek temple.
Some, but definitely not all, banks reenact Greek temples, and probably quite a small number of banks specifically reenact the Parthenon.
Perhaps typology is basically an exercise in the reenactment of architectural abstractions. When it come to mythical origins and first ideal forms, it is worthwhile to ask if the mythical origins and the first ideal forms are themselves reenactments. For example, the dance of Shiva reenacts metabolism. Moreover, might not Plato's ideal forms also be reenactments (albeit highly abstracted)? Perhaps Plato's prefect circle 'ideally' reenacts the pupils of our eyes and Plato's perfect triangle 'ideally' reenacts the nose on our face.
Perhaps all abstractions are highly idealized reenactments of reality, rather than reality being a reenactment of highly idealized abstractions.

2003.12.13 16:42
Which Acropolis do you prefer?
The Acropolis as used by the ancient Greeks?
The Acropolis as used by the ancient Romans?
The Acropolis when the Parthenon was used as a Christian Church dedicated to Mary?
The Acropolis when the Turks used the Parthenon as a munitions magazine (hence the 17th century explosion that pretty much wrecked the place--as reenacted at NYC 11 September 2001?)?
The Acropolis as mass tourist destination with the Parthenon ruins slowly being further destroyed by air-pollution?
The Acropolis as urban viewing platform as reenacted at Philadelphia's Fairmount (site of the Philadelphia Museum of Art).

2003.12.14 17:42
Re: which Acropolis do you prefer?
Web link provides some drawings recalling the Parthenon as a church and during the Turkish period.
The explosion of the Parthenon occurred 26 September 1687 (thus a 17th century event, and not an 18th century event as I stated earlier). It would be interesting to know how many people on Earth 316 years from now will know the date of the attack on the World Trade Center off the top of their head. [Collective memory is a lot more selective than criticism.]
For how long did the 'ideal' design of the Acropolis actually exist? Moreover, do we even fully understand what the Acropolis was really like while it manifest it's most ideal existence. For example, how was it all painted? Did a fair amount of the ideal design actually fade as soon as the colors did?

2005.03.23 13:47
Forms and Functions of 20th Century Architecture
..a diagrammatic drawing demonstrating a scale comparison with the Perisphere and Trylon of the 1939 New York World's Fair--wqc/temp/scale01.jpg--from left to right: the Great Pyramid, Parthenon, Pantheon (which looks to me a bit bigger than it actually is), Santa Sophia, Constantinople, St. Mark's Venice, Chartres, St. Peter's Rome, the Perisphere and Trylon.

2005.03.28 12:25
Interesting how...
Interesting how the Parthenon was destroyed by explosion--the building was used by the Turks as an ammunition magazine, and a stray spark during a battle ignited the sitting bomb. "And now it's a prosperous tourist destination."




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