21092301   domestic plans collection Domus Alexandri Severi Basilica Sessorianum Villa Rotonda Maison Dom-ino Villa Stein de Monzie Villa à Garches Composition Three Villa Savoye Arbor Street House Goldenberg House Maison de l'Homme House 10: Museum Dominican Motherhouse Wall House 2 Gooding House Retreat House Wagner House Cooper & Pratt House Mayor's House Zany House 001 Zany House 002 Wacko House 001 Wacko House 002 Suburban Poché Ur-Ottopia House Maison Millennium 001 Palace of Ottopia Lauf Haus der Kunst House for Otto 3 House for Otto 4 House for Otto 5 House for Otto 6 House for Otto 7 House for Otto 8 plans ex 01112301   2070i30

21092101   domestic plans collection Domus Alexandri Severi Basilica Sessorianum Villa Rotonda Maison Dom-ino Villa Stein de Monzie Villa à Garches Composition Three Villa Savoye Arbor Street House Goldenberg House Maison de l'Homme House 10: Museum Dominican Motherhouse Wall House 2 Gooding House Retreat House Wagner House Cooper & Pratt House Mayor's House Zany House 001 Zany House 002 Wacko House 001 Wacko House 002 Suburban Poché Ur-Ottopia House Maison Millennium 001 Palace of Ottopia Lauf Haus der Kunst House for Otto 3 House for Otto 4 House for Otto 5 House for Otto 6 House for Otto 7 House for Otto 8 plans working data ex 01112301   2070i29

21041702   Thermae Helenae Basilica Sessorianum Arbor Street House Acropolis Q plans site plan models   206bi22
21041701   Thermae Helenae Basilica Sessorianum Arbor Street House Acropolis Q plans site plan   206bi21

20082504   museum collecting 1938 Danteum Arbor Street House plans elevation   2165i17

19112401   NE Philadelphia Arbor to Ridgeway base map data   2093i112

19101901   Tugendhat House Casa del Fascio Fallingwater Danteum Arbor Street House Guggenheim Museum Farnsworth House Glass House/johnson Estate Eames House and Studio Querini Stampalia Foundation Yale Art Gallery Museum of Knowledge museum collecting plans elevations section   2158i10

19101301   Tugendhat House Casa del Fascio Fallingwater Danteum Arbor Street House Guggenheim Museum Farnsworth House Glass House Eames House and Studio Querini Stampalia Foundation Yale Art Gallery Museum of Knowledge museum collecting plans elevations section   2158i09

19092102   Fallingwater Jacobs House 5233 Arbor Street Villa Mairea Houses Under a Common Roof Farnsworth House Kaufmann Desert House Baker House Weiss House 860-880 Lake Shore Drive Apartments Glass House Eames House and Studio Maison Curutchet domestic plans elevations   2169i03

19091504   Three Composition Three Villa Savoye Tugendhat House Villa Müller Pavillon Suisse Maison de Verre Gericke House Courthouse with Garage Hubbe House Fallingwater Jacobs House 5233 Arbor Street domestic plans elevations   2155i04

18121705   GAUA23 Ury House 5233 Arbor Street Leicester University Engineering Building House VI Parc de la Villette Follie Capital Park West Was Wagner 002 Dominican Fortress NeuHaus 10 der Künste plans placed   2429i365

18120502   GAUA23 Ury House 5233 Arbor Street Leicester University Engineering Building House VI Parc de la Villette Follie Capital Park West Was Wagner 002 Dominican Fortress NeuHaus 10 der Künste plans placed unedited   2429i331

18110723   GAUA23 Ury House 5233 Arbor Street Leicester University Engineering Building House VI Parc de la Villette Follie Capital Park West Was Wagner 002 Dominican Fortress NeuHaus 10 der Künsteplans   2429i298

18110700   GAUA grid architecture plans compilation   2429i275

18062501   museum collecting IQ43 Hadrian's Villa Palace of Versailles Mount Pleasant Altes Museum Robie House Whitemarsh Hall Philadelphia Museum of Art Maison La Roche-Jeanneret Bauhaus German Pavilion Villa Savoye Tugendhat House Casa da Fascio Fallingwater Danteum 5233 Arbor Street plans   206ki12

18060302   house museums plans elevations   2138i03

18021202   Palace of Versailles Altes Museum Whitemarsh Hall Philadelphia Museum of Art Villa Savoye Tugendhat House Danteum Arbor Street House Farnsworth house Museum of Knowledge Maison de l'Homme House 10: Museum Kimbell Art Museum Wall House 2 Museum for Nordrhein Westfalen Wallraf-Richartz Museum Atheneum Neue Staatsgalerie Museum of Arts and Crafts Museum of Architecture Institute of Contemporary Art Acropolis Q Museum Annex Analogous Building Cut & Paste Museum Circle Squared Museum Ideal City Reenactment Fragment Museum Palace of Ottopia Lauf Haus der Kunst Palais House 10:Museum [virtual] Museum Museum Danteum Plus Ultra NeuHaus 10 der Künste IQ50 plans   2297i08

18021104   Palace of Versailles Altes Museum Whitemarsh Hall Philadelphia Museum of Art Villa Savoye Tugendhat House Danteum Arbor Street House Farnsworth house Museum of Knowledge Maison de l'Homme House 10: Museum Kimbell Art Museum Wall House 2 Museum for Nordrhein Westfalen Wallraf-Richartz Museum Atheneum Neue Staatsgalerie Museum of Arts and Crafts Museum of Architecture Institute of Contemporary Art Acropolis Q Museum Annex Analogous Building Cut & Paste Museum Circle Squared Museum plans   224ai13

18021102   Palace of Versailles Altes Museum Whitemarsh Hall Philadelphia Museum of Art Villa Savoye Tugendhat House Danteum Arbor Street House Farnsworth house Museum of Knowledge Maison de l'Homme House 10: Museum Kimbell Art Museum Wall House 2 Museum for Nordrhein Westfalen Wallraf-Richartz Museum Atheneum Neue Staatsgalerie Museum of Arts and Crafts Museum of Architecture IQ48 plans   2244i17

18021002   Palace of Versailles Altes Museum Whitemarsh Hall Philadelphia Museum of Art Villa Savoye Tugendhat House Danteum Arbor Street House Farnsworth house Museum of Knowledge Maison de l'Homme House 10: Museum Kimbell Art Museum Wall House 2 Museum for Nordrhein Westfalen Wallraf-Richartz Museum Atheneum Neue Staatsgalerie IQ47 plans   2226i34

18020904   Palace of Versailles Altes Museum Whitemarsh Hall Philadelphia Museum of Art Villa Savoye Tugendhat House Danteum Arbor Street House Farnsworth house Museum of Knowledge Maison de l'Homme House 10: Museum Kimbell Art Museum Wall House 2 IQ46 plans   2196i13

18020902   Palace of Versailles Altes Museum Whitemarsh Hall Philadelphia Museum of Art Villa Savoye Tugendhat House Danteum Arbor Street House Farnsworth house Museum of Knowledge plans   2165i16

18020901   Danteum Arbor Street House Farnsworth house Museum of Knowledge IQ45 plans   2165i15

18010601   smallest plans 10x10x10 Cube Ury House Arbor Street House Maison Dom-ino Maison du Peintre Ozenfant Tempietto Porta Pia Mount Pleasant Schröder House Ridgeway House Vanna Venturi House Glass House Villa Baizeau Frug House 2 Single House Weissenhof Princeton Memorial Park Tower Eclectic House House VI Venue Frug House 1 Francisville Housing Unit Eames House and Studio Gallery B Fisher House Farnsworth House Gooding House Composition Three Wall House 2 Maison de l'Homme   2232i04

18010301   smallest plans 10x10x10 Cube Ury House Arbor Street House Maison Dom-ino Maison du Peintre Ozenfant Tempietto Porta Pia Mount Pleasant Schröder House Ridgeway House Vanna Venturi House Glass House Villa Baizeau Frug House 2 Single House Weissenhof Princeton Memorial Park Tower Eclectic House House VI Venue Frug House 1 Francisville Housing Unit Eames House and Studio Gallery B Fisher House Farnsworth House Gooding House Composition Three Wall House 2 Maison de l'Homme Glass Pavilion Urban Components   2232i03

17091201   Palace of Versailles Villa Rotunda Ury House Mount Pleasant Villa Stein de Monzie Villa à Garches Composition Three Villa Savoye Tugendhat House Robie House Maison Dom-ino Maison du Peintre Ozenfant Whitemarsh Hall Schindler-Chace House 5233 Arbor Street Houses Under a Common Roof Pruitt-Igoe Housing Governor's Palace Farnsworth House Fruchter House De Vore House Adler House William A. M. Burden House plans   2092i13

17011804   Maison Dom-ino model 5233 8415 plans Ury Farm site plan   2166i29   b   c

17011803   5233 Arbor Street plans model Curatorium exhibition IQ45.02 site plan   2166i28   b
17011802   5233 Arbor Street plans model IQ45.02 plans   2166i27   b

17011801   Parthenon column bench table model 5233 Arbor Street plan IQ45   2166i26

16101701   IQ45 Temple of Venus and Rome Basilica of Maxentius/Constantine Danteum 5233 Farnsworth House Palace of Assembly Museum of Knowledge Tower of Shadows Urban Components Houses for Karl Friedrich Schinkel House of Shadows Bye Le Composites Jung Zaha House Cubist ICM   206hi18

16072002   IQ58/11 Karastan Palace of Versailles Pruitt-Igoe Housing Villa Rotunda Maison Dom-ino Whitemarsh Hall Villa Stein de Monzie Villa à Garches Composition Three Villa Savoye Tugendhat House Courthouse with Garage 5233 Houses Under a Common Roof Farnsworth House Governor's Palace Burden House Goldenberg House Vanna Venturi House plans Whitemarsh Hall site plan image attached   3392vv50   b

16012701   IQ45 Danteum 5233 Farnsworth House Museum of Knowledge Urban Components Cubist ICM site plans   2392i119

16012602   virtual Philadelphia base map IQgrid   2093i54

15102807   IQ Arbor Street sector 5233 Arbor Street plan   2166i25   b   c   3392ui52

15011401   plans 1100x550   2166i00
14042304   plans 22002 context   2166i24

11110701   contemporary plans   2166i23

07071803   Domestic Museum plans   2166i22

07040502   within Philadelphia Museum of Art   2166i21

07040302   plans   2166i20

07040301   within Philadelphia Museum of Art   2166i19

040407a   Whitemarsh Hall Horti Valeriani 5233 Bye House Villa Rotunda plans   2166i18 2166i18a

030421c   Curatorium perspectives   2166i12 2166i13 2166i14 2166i15 2166i16 2166i17
030421a   Curatorium model   2166i11

030418a   dining room   2166i10

030410a   plans model   2166i09

030407c   plans   2166i08
030407b   plans   2166i07

030407a   dining room   2166i06

030207a   IQ study   2166i05

011125d   domestic architecture plans   2166i04
011125c   domestic architecture plans   2166i03
001124c   domestic architecture plans   2239i01

99121821   plan with man   2166i02

96092516   Porticus Neroniani Villa Rotunda 5233 plans   2166i01