Fourth Part.
The re-establihment of Architecture at the end of the fifteenth century and the beginning of the sixteenth century.
1. Ionic capital, drawn by Antonio Sangallo, found near Sta. Agnese outside the walls, as we learn from the writing on the drawing:-- Di la de Santa Angniesa, in uno cannetto.
2. Side view of the same.
3. Method of tracing the volute of the same.
4. Perspective view of a portion of a Corinthian entablature drawn by Antonio Sangallo. The original was discovered under a church, and near the house of the Countess Massa, on the Place Navona, according to the writing on the drawing:-- Questa fu cavatta a navona sotto una chiesa apreso alla casa della Contesa di Masa.
5. Half of a composite capital drawn from the antique by Bramante.
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