
a deliberate deterritorialization

17 March

2014.03.17 13:22

We just make Iraq the 51st State of the Union, and be done with it?
Read my lips: "New World [according to my] order."
Philatelically speaking, I miss the old world of colonial empires.
Lick this.

The kicky part about Helena being Julian's great grandmother is that the first wife of Julian's grandfather, Constantius I, is Julian's great grandmother Helena and then the second wife of Constantius I is Julian's grandmother Theodora. No wonder Julian apostatized.
"Hey Helena, you and Eutropia should co-author The Art of Imperial Wife and Daughter Swapping in Better Late Antiquity Than Never."
"Oh, didn't you know? We already kinda sorta did that when we interventionally inspired Thomas Mann's The Holy Sinner."
"Ah, then that explains why I saw "God's Bricklayer" reading that book while smoking in the Boys Room."
Meanwhile, like a quaestio abstrusa, the gang is looking for all the instances where Koolhaas/OMA use the Ichnographia Campus Martius as floorpaper within the presentations of some of their projects. So far there's: Schiphol S, Extension to the MoMA and CCTV.
"Hey Piranesi, does this mean anything?"
"Not even like using existing iconography to evoke some new and original architectural ideas." "I'm sorry, but did you just forget who you're talking to?"

Louis I. Kahn died of a heart attack in a public restroom of New York's Pennsylvania Station upon returning from a trip to Bangladesh.

virtual mausoleum

My burial plot is in the cemetery next door.

quaestio abstrusa = 'search for the consealed' = puzzle (as least according to The New College Latin & English Dictionary).

And here's some of my thoughts regarding the Indian continent. First, it's like Africa, almost like an African reenactment even, except smaller and the Himalayans to the north instead the Mediterranean. Yet, only Africa has the Great Pyramids. But there definitely is Sri Lanka instead of Madagascar. Smaller, yes, but perhaps a little more culturally developed over time? It looks at least close, and to complete the set, there's the Australian continent with its Tasmania.

The world's a very big place, so surely there's even room for FAT people. Besides, there's always hope.


Regarding the Lieb House "sail" window, see the elevation of the just prior Frug House II and then the plan of Frug House II.

Oh, I thought it was more like having a hard time shifting out of bilocation gear.
Anyway, been meaning to interject a little exposition of the "politics of the plan"

Coincidentally typed this morning:
There is a profound "immobility" in the technological world which science fiction writers have often portrayed as the reduction of every experience of reality to an experience of images (no one ever really meets anyone else; instead, everyone watches everything on a television screen while alone at home). This same phenomenon can already be sensed in the air-conditioned, muffled silence in which computers work.
Flattened out, simultaneous, the world appears de-historicized. What made up "modern"--i.e. the experience of living every day in a narrative history of progress and development reinforced by the daily newspaper--now comes to a halt. The "master" narrative, once a secularization of religious salvation, now fails, and multiple other possible narratives rise up."
--Gianni Vattimo, quoted in "Postmodern or Posthistoire?"

2009.03.17 17:10
Making it/Thinking Architectural
Architectural history flattened.

Architectural history reduced to a few lines.

2009.03.17 18:38
Making it/Thinking Architectural

Using a 3-dimensional representation as a plan (of a city maybe), kind of like architectural thinking in reverse.

I still have scale it with a map, but Kahn's burial plot is somewhere in the top left quadrant, maybe just within the western edge of Campo Rovine.

Are the Koolhaas/OMA instances of Ichnographia Campus Martius usage also examples of "history flattened"? Is the Ichnographia Campus Martius itself an example of "history flattened"?

Read again last night the Vidler/Eisenman conversation in Log 28. Vattimo came up a bit.

It's becoming more and more clear that lots of the fuel that burned Tafuri's contemporary-architecture-critique fire came from Scully's early 1960s writings. And, judging from a comment I once saw/heard Scully make about Tafuri, I think he already knew it.




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