
the Donau broke

2015.11.30 19:24
Let's talk about a building
A refreshingly non-mediocre building. Somewhat the opposite of what most of the criticism here would like it to be.

2015.11.30 20:37
Let's talk about a building
I knew there was some Rossi in there.

A special tribute, I'm sure.

2015.11.30 20:43
Let's talk about a building
Yep, it's all in the family.

2015.12.01 10:37
Let's talk about a building

Again, it's all in the family.

2015.12.01 18:43
Let's talk about a building

Can this be anymore oppressive??? Oh, and what an abomination to the context! Cheap. Cheap. Cheap.




Quondam © 2016.09.14