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the architecture of being... virtual fog

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As for the "computer people", the various/sometimes architectures of Hadid and UnStudio (again for example) well demonstrate being beyond "figuring it out", and they're even doing it rigorously. I also just wanted to show that being intuitive with the aid of the computer isn't just about curved stuff. And just so you don't think I being paranoid or flaky, in 1997 I received grant money from the Graham Foundation, and again in 1998. Beside being a historian, Eusebius was metropolitan bishop of Palestine. I was merely being helpful, but it crossed both our minds that justly deserved voodoo payback is what really happened. And thanks to all those who have already sent me pictures of all the wires in their office. Talk about being plugged-in. And as to still being here, I rarely post, in part because of small people just like you. Ironically, being powerful is my anti-nature. In a critical vein, however, I’ll ask, why would I (as a critical architect) ask questions of other critical architects without I myself being able to be part of the discussion? Alone with being a stigmatic and a bilocator, she was a "bride of Christ" due to a "ring" placed on Catherine's left index finger on Easter day 1542 reportedly by Christ Himself. If a building design is built and finished, what's the real use of being critical of it? Personally, I'm more comfortable being critical of design process, which involves how a building design (built or not) arrives at its finished state. I can see what you say being true in terms of how a night sky completely devoid of man-made light literally offers the universe, but there's also the joy of exercising focus while searching through a thousand puzzle pieces (all the stars) to find the ones you want (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn). The set was still being built, so there were actual working drawings there as well. being a first year student on Christmas break at the time, it was all oddly enlightening. I had planned on being in Pittsburgh today and tomorrow, but didn't want to drive in the lousy weather. The proposed reenactment of the Barnes Foundation is largely being done to not further upset the strict Barnes Foundation Charter, which states the art collection must hang in perpetuity as Barnes hung the art. All the guests are getting their accommodations set via ICHNOGRAPHIA ROMAPHILIA--one of the highlights of the convention is that all the guests are in a constant state of bilocation between Philadelphia and Rome, with the register being the match of the Benjamin Franklin Parkway and the axis of life of the Ichnographia Campus Martius--oddly, Fairmount and the Vatican Hill are the 'same place.' In a letter accusing Le Corbusier of being drunk during his stay in Philadelphia, he informed him that he was no longer welcome at the foundation. Besides, who can resist being around Dali these daze? There was that private email where Brian laughed a little at how seriously his suggestion was being taken. Paul, first off, you're not being honest. Kind-of like going into a black hole and then being in the other side. I suppose their files are heavy and organized the way they are (windows in windows in windows) to protect the content from being easily copied, but, you know, copies are right there in the... Is 'what a building really is' that which is most valuable in terms of being the harbinger of architectural aesthetics? Doesn't being at the speed of light pretty much make everything else incidental? Their student days were long over by the time Deconstruction was being 'pitched'. As to Arquitectonia being second rate (which seems to be your main point), I like their early work exactly because it is derivative, where what is derived is fairly evident and the process of designing derivatively is something to learn from (rather than just denegrate). There's being [FOG], so talented, so created, (err, I mean creative), a leading specialist in architectural vaporware; and Rita Novel, literate to the max, a walking encyclopedia on 1980's magazines (when and where the 21st century really began); and finally, ultimately, the incomparable Dick Hertz, designer of future fashion, author of The Theory Masturbation of Fashion, Even. This information is under the control of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, consultants it hired for the various stages listed above, and its insurers, much of which is being withheld from current investigators and building safety officials evaluating WTC and other disasters though that information could be used to enhance security and safety of other high-rise and non-high-rise buildings now occupied by tens, perhaps hundreds, of thousands of people. 3. Publish, or send to me, confidential and classified reports on bombings and collapses of governmental and non-governmental buildings which are being withheld from the public because it is claimed the public cannot handle the information responsibly. On the way out of the dining room it's now tradition to share warm greetings with SR, a Holocaust survivor, who endured two years in a Nazi concentration camp until being released by US troops. History is changed when events are recorded and taught as history but are not really reflective of what actually happened, like the 'perversion' that Venturi feels happened to his theory, and inversely, history is changed when a discovery occurs that invalidates established certainties, like the discovery of there actually being two renditions of Piranesi's Ichnograhia Campus Martius. Perhaps the answer has something to do with a shrine to Minerva being in the center of one of the building complexes--literally "wisdom" (but also "weaving") in the center of a garden of satire. The notion of Piranesi being satirical himself throughout the Ichnographia is an intriguing idea. Far from being a mere imitation or sham, however, the villa is firmly the prototype of "virtual place. I see the possibility of Seroux’s work being enhanced via HTML in that throughout the text that accompanies each engraved plate there are references from an image or set of images on one engraved plate to other images on another or even several other engraved plates--hyperlinkage could be of benefit here. Nonetheless, there is that (exciting) element about historical research that is akin to being a detective finding clues and then 'fabricating' a possible or likely scenario. The Lateran basilica, being smaller than St. Peter's, might well have been built and finished within five or six years. Like Maxentius, who on 28 October 312 entered confidently into battle because it was the anniversary of his rise to power in Rome, you can turn out being completely wrong. Imaginary architecture, Escher, Piranesi, Heaven, Hell, visionary, virtual, has always mesmerized, inspired, perhaps terrified, for being beyond what is accompishable. I retain full rights to whatever I write in these emails, although I fully understand that the content is being written exclusively for a feature published at Perhaps the pliability metaphor applies here too; perhaps the pliancy has been lost for being stretched too much and too far. I suggest you visit Quondam that way for a week or so--read all the material, click on all the links, with the hope being that you'll learn something you didn't know before, or find yourself thinking something you haven't thought before, or maybe you'll find some design inspiration even. "Hey, you wanna know what I think? Quondam is nothing more than a museum of one virtual architect's opinion! And I'm being kind."




Quondam © 2020.04.25