


Elizabeth B. MacDougall, "Michelangelo and the Porta Pia" (JSAH October 1960).

Kurt W. Forster & Richard J. Tuttle "The Palazzo del Te" (JSAH December 1971).

Spiro Kostof, review of Principles of Architectural History: The Four Phases of Architectural Style 1420-1900 (JSAH December 1971).

Gregory T. Armstrong, "Constantine's Churches: Symbol and Structure" (JSAH March 1974).

Debrorah Howard, "Four Centuries of Literature o Palladio" (JSAH October 1980).

Jules David Prown, "On Being a Client" (JSAH March 1983).

David Cast, "Seeing Vanbrugh and Hawksmoor" (JSAH December 1984).

Alan Hess, "The Origins of McDonald's Golden Arches" (JSAH March 1986).

Alberto Perez-Gomez, review of J.N.L. Durand 1760-1834, De l'imitation a la norme (JSAH December 1986).

William E. Wallace, "Dal disegno allo spazio": Michelangelo's Drawings for the Fortifications of Florence (JSAH June 1987).

Damie Stillman, "British Architects and Italian Architectural Competitions, 1758-1780" (JSAH March 1973).
Allen Greenberg, "Lutyen's Cenotaph" (JSAH March 1989).

Frank McCormick, "John Vanbrugh's Architecture: Some Sources of His Style" (JSAH June 1987).

Robert Ousterhout, "Rebuilding the Temple: Constantine Monomachus and the Holy Sepulchre" (JSAH March 1989).

Martin Bressani, "Notes on Viollet-le-Duc's Philosophy of Architecture: Dialectics and Technology" (JSAH December 1989).

William C. Loerke, "A Rereading of the Interior Elevation of Hadrian's Rotunda" (JSAH March 1990).

Joan E. Barclay Lloyd, review of alt-St. Peter in Geschichte und Wissenshaft (JSAH October 1960).

David B. Brownlee, review of The Louis I. Kahn Archive Personal Drawings: The Completely Illustrated Catalogue of the Drawings in the Louis I. Kahn Collection (JSAH June 1990).

Frank Salmon, "The Site of Michelangelo's Laurentian Library" (JSAH December 1990).

Tod Marder, "Alexander VII, Bernini, and the Urban Setting of the Pantheon in the Seventeenth Century" (JSAH September 1991).




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