The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction

1936 The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
2004.06.18 "including the notion of reenactment would have aided the essay"

2004.06.18 10:43
cloning architecture - a global search
I (again) read some of Benjamin's "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" yesterday, and it appears that including the notion of reenactment would have aided the essay. Also, the notion that magic is no longer a part of the "human condition" seems more and more to be a modern myth. Modern man has (by training?) become oblivious of where to find the magic, that's all.
Everytime I read of 'aura' I'm more and more reminded of the (now mythological) 'ether' that physicists used to so rely on.
Terragni's Danteum very much reenacts the 'promenade architecturale' forumla, as does Le Corbusier's Villa Savoye and (unexecuted) Palais des Congres.




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