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May Death of David Gilly in Berlin. Schinkel establishes friendly association with the Gropius family. He
joins their household at Breite Strasse 22 and continues his activities as a painter.
August-December Schinkel designs and executes a large panorama of Palermo and vicinity. Permission from Friedrich Wilhelm III, residing in exile at Königsberg, to exhibit this work in the Königliche Schloss in Berlin is denied.
1 October Death of Carl G. Langhans at Grüneiche, near Breslau.
December Christmas exhibition in Berlin sponsored by Gropius. A special wooden shelter is built near the St. Hedwigs Kirche for the exhibition of Schinkel's Panorama von Palermo. Original lost; a small copy in the form of a copper engraving done by Schinkel in 1816 is the only record of this work; later copies, including one executed in St. Petersburg in 1844, also lost.
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