c. 800 BC


c. 750 BC Rome
330 Constantinople
1820- Schinkel's Berlin(?)
1932-42 Speer's Berlin(?)

2004.05.19 14:47
REPORTAGE- Rhythm & Gender
Doric Temples are a specific set of religious buildings.
Ancient Rome was an enormous(ly populated) metropolis, and a cosmopolitan capital city.
As a city, ancient Rome was an ongoing construction site of reenactment. Important buildings were often rebuilt (like Hadrian rebuilt the Pantheon that Agrippa built first), and older buildings were dismantled and reused for parts in newer constructions (like the Naumachia of Domitian was undone to repair the fire damaged Circus Maximus). This reuse, reenactment, and reinvention of older architecture in the construction of newer architecture is not proto Post Modernism, but you could in far-removed 20th century retrospect say that Post Modern Architecture is an unwitting and and highly flawed reenactment of what went on architecturally in Rome, especially during its imperial age.
More than a regelio-political system, ancient Rome was a gigantic military machine, thus the widespread presence and influence of miltary engineering on the art of Rome's architecture.
The Campus Martius was not originally within the walls of Rome. Only Roman citizens were allowed withn the walls of Rome, thus ancient Rome's (huge) foreign population lived in the Campus Martius. It was within the Campus Martius that ancient Rome's 'eclectic' architecture was largely created. The Tomb of Augustus (perhaps built with help from some Indians) is in the Campus Martius. The Porticus of Nations was in the Campus Martius. The Temple of Isis (with its many smaller obelisks)was in the Campus Martius. Hadrian's Pantheon (circa 100 AD) is in the Campus Martius! etc., etc., etc., etc.....
Not until the reign of Aurelian (270-275 AD) were the walls of Rome rebuilt and the Campus Martius incorporated within Rome proper.
My reenacting of Piranesi's reenactionary Ichnographia Campi Martii is how I now know every important building that ever existed in ancient Rome's Campus Martius. I did my redrawing, I did my research, I did my reading, and, like a good Roman architect, I did my reenacting.

2005.05.24 15:22
hotrod architecture
Christian churches have a long history, don't they? We don't really know what the Christian church across from the palace at Nicodemia that was burned during the Great Persecution under Diocletian looked like, but we do know the ritual that accompanied the rededication of the church at Tyre, which was also desecrated during the Great Persecution. And then almost immediately following we have the original "Constantinian" basilicas, first the basilica building boom in Rome late 312-326 under the supervision of Helena, then the basilica building boom in the Holy Land, also under the supervision of Helena, [and, believe it or not, the basilica building boom at Treves, today's Trier, Germany, under the supervision of Eutropia and Constantine fits right here in this [his]story too,] and ultimately the building boom of a whole new Christian capital of the Roman Empire at Constantinople under the supervision of Constantine himself.
It is these early Christian basilicas that have then been reenacted in multitudinous ways (and yes, even some hot rodded) over the subsequent centuries. My favorite most recent reenactment of a "basilica" is the Out of the Ordinary exhibition design at the Philadelphia Museum of Art 2001. It even had a hot rodded sanctuary! (At least that's where the bang specifically was.)
Last night it dawned on me that the Out of the Ordinary exhibition design also reenacted the museum floor "design" directly above it. "When in Rome," I suppose.




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