Virtual Museum
International Ideas Competition

by &
Spring 2001

Quondam Commentary

The centers of cultural production and entertainment are among the biggest resources for the leisure industry, and as a result are carefully attended to by entrepreneurs and administrators who understand these centers as catalysts of interests and multipliers of profits, as well as instruments of new developments and urban renewal. The program type of the museum affords not only a sensitive insertion into delicate urban and natural contexts, but also assures a multiplicity of activity directly or indirectly related to raising the standard of living.

The Museum Computer Network, a transnational organization that solicits a large number of institutions and disciplines, is preparing for a large symposium that discusses ways in which new technologies can be, and will be used for completing and enriching the experience of traditional exposition environments. In particular, certain key discussions focus on: the portable devices used by the visitors, the points of information and assistance positioned throughout the galleries, the 'intelligent' architecture, the prevalent screens, the computers and digital and traditional interfaces, the designated web resources intended to encourage pre- or post visits, the connected, web-based, programmed environments, etc. There are then the complementary and delicate fields of inquiry such as management and development strategies, the adjustments of infrastructure and the resulting social implications - particularly with respect to the redefinition of the relationships between the museum, the visitors, and the modes of preserving the physical and sensorial experience in technological environments.

To: Stephen Lauf
Subject: beyond the envelop (sketch)?
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2000 14:25:29 -0500

John inquires:
Weren't Polshek, Goldberger and Futter adorable on Charlie Rose last night? Such happiness and glee. The envelope sketch! How whitewashy.

Steve replies:
I particularly liked the momentary, almost imperceptible awkwardness that arose when the Natural Sciences' likewise new virtual museum (ie, all the continually updated scientific data that will be available on the museum's website) was being described by Futter as something much beyond the new Polshek building.

I'm now wondering if all the built environment of our planet is 'progressing' towards becoming a global (virtual) theme park, while cyberspace becomes the place where 'actual' 'real' data takes up residence.



Quondam © 2004.02.15