Virtual Museum
International Ideas Competition

by &
Spring 2001

Quondam Commentary

Current reflections upon our information-age as well as on the transformations of art, architecture, exposition spaces, and even the participants themselves, have been inscribed into the museum world in a number of ways. The first of the two most pertinent ways is demonstrated in the paraphernalia, device oriented interests of the MCN; the innovative, transmissive modes and environments that are in support of, and integrated with the more traditional exposition spaces, do address and attempt to satisfy accelerated perceptions and stimuli, and even in limited cases, engender revolutionary museums. The second is manifested in the duplication of exposition spaces as virtual galleries on the web, currently put forward by certain avant-garde institutions. These galleries however, are in many ways simply re-organized, often banal, paper-catalogue replications of the collections. The challenge of the Virtual Museum is intended to simultaneously look beyond the additive, 'other' nature of technological devices and to re-think the spaces of exposition outside of the given model of the museum - perhaps in the unchartered possibilities of digital space. It is also possible and indeed designed to provoke the artist to respond to the evermore sophisticated virtual environments in ways which the current physical exhibition spaces cannot.

note to self: 1999.10.06

Part of what I want to achieve by completely emptying out Quondam is to then force the issue of making the site something new and perhaps even something better. I also what to break with the museum "metaphor" that has been set up, and, in turn, explore and manifest a whole new dynamic. I believe that dynamic is already present in schizophrenia + architectures in that a kind of stream of consciousness is there, plus all the links are free associational.



Quondam © 2004.02.15