Bases, capitals, and other Arabian details, from the Mosque of Cordova.

Plan of the Cathedral of Cordova, formerly a mosque (785 - 987), built at the end of the eighth century by Abdoulrahman I, second Saracenic king of Cordova. In the interior of the temple there are nineteen aisles in the width, and twenty-nine in the length, divided by ranges of columns, to the number of eight hundred, which, with those in other parts of the edifice, amount to more than one thousand.

The front of the Cathedral of Cordova; the entrance door offers one of the most ancient examples of the horseshoe arch.

Longitudinal section of the same.

Column from the Cathedral of Cordova.

Double range of arches supporting roof of nave.
Detail of one of the pilasters.
Capital of one of the columns; several other varieties are given pl. lxix, no. 19.
Detail of interlacing arches.

From the Mosque of Cordova.
Another part of the interior of the Mosque of Cordova; the interlacing arches offer some analogy to those of the Palace Cavalli.




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