bishop, painter, and architect; d. 1022.
Bernward was from 993 to 1022 Bishop of Hildesheim (Rhenish Prussia), and is credited with the erection of the Michaelis kloster and the Kapelle des heiligen Kreuzes at Hildesheim. He was also painter and metal worker, and had great influence upon the artistic development of his time.

Column from the House of Pilate, Rome.

Side elevation.

Elevation on the side of the entrance.

Portions of antique soffites, employed to form the ceiling of the landing of the staircase K.

Details of the ornaments of the window marked I; M is an antique fragment in marble, as also N, and the modillions on either side, with carver eagles; the brick columns are surmounted with the fragments O O, which serve for capitals, and upon them a portion of an antique archivolt. On the inner side, next the landing of the staircase, is the verse:--ADSV ROMANIS GRANDIS HONOR POPVLIS

Longitudinal section on the line A B on plans.
Plan of the lower story of an ancient house, commonly called the House of Pilate, on the left bank of the Tiber, near the Temple of Fortune, and which is believed to have been that of Crescenzio [House of Crescentius], or of Cola de Rienzo, built in the eleventh, and restored in the following centuries.

Transverse section on the line C D.
Plan of the upper story.

Cornice marked H; the modillions are in marble, the other members of the cornice in brick.

One of the antique modillions above the angular column, in marble, with two winged figures, Cupid and Psyche.
Another modillion from the same entablature.

Detail of the impost and archivolt marked E on the section.

Detail of part G on no. 3; compound of antique fragments in marble in the brick construction.

Another detail from the entrance front, marked L, no. 9; the general division of the lines are the same as avove, but their ornaments are different, as they are taken from other antique edifices. The arch Q is formed of a portion of a circular cornice turned on its side, supported at each end by antique corbels of lion's heads.

Other details marked F on sections.

Water-leaf on the soffit of the antique archivolt over the window marked I.

Part of the vault from the House of Pilate, Rome; it is executed in rubble stone, forming a sort of opus incertum.




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