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...in their respective positions throughout the museum. 3120s
Museum of Architecture : : Fragmant Museum 3120t
museums merged 3120y
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2012.03.24 09:20
Response to Donna, re: Traditional Architecture
5th Year Studio Projects, Fall 1980, critics: Allen Greenberg, John Christopher Knowles.
Seeds of what ultimately became Quondam 1996.
3133 elements for a House for Karl Friedrich Schinkel
3134 schematic sketches
3135 House for Karl Friedrich Schinkel
3120o transformations
3120p Court Gardner's House - Römischer Bäder :: Museum of Architecture
3120q museumification
3120r Museum of Architecture, Venice
3120s ...in their respective positions throughout the museum.
3120t Museum of Architecture : : Fragment Museum
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scale comparisons
1. compare Urban Components with Franklin Square.
2. compare Urban Components with the Fragment Museum.
Urban Components :: Fragment Museum
It may well be that the inspiration for the Fragment Museum was indeed Leon Krier's Urban Components.