2000.03.24 15:26
subliminal (philosophical) reenactments
It just occurred to me that the notion of reenactment is an integral part of Western philosophy's very beginnings. Without being explicit about it, Plato nonetheless exercised reenactment in many of his texts. Of course, I'm referring to the Socratic dialogues first, the cave second.
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040324a Ottopia base map 2349i01
040324b Ottopia Palace of Ottopia 2305i02
040324c Palace of Ottopia Maison Millennium 001 plans 2304i04
040324d Ottopia Maison Millennium 001 plans 2304i05
040324e Ottopia Palace of Ottopia Maison Millennium 001 plans 2304i06
040324f Cooper & Pratt House plan 2246i01
040324g Palace of Ottopia Maison Millennium 001 Cooper & Pratt House plans 2246i02
040324h Ottopia, Palace of Ottopia, Maison Millennium 001 Cooper & Pratt House plans 2246i03
040324i skeleton with circle/square juncture 2342i04
040324j skeleton Porticus Neronianiae with circle/square juncture 2342i05
040324k Ottopia skeleton/circle/square juncture 2349i02
040324l skeleton Porticus Neronianiae circle/square juncture 2342i06
040324m Ottopia skeleton, Porticus Neronianiae circle/square juncture 2349i03
040324n Ottopia Palace of Ottopia, Maison Millennium 001 Cooper & Pratt House skeleton, Porticus Nerioaniae, circle/square juncture 2246i04
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13032402 IQ08, mirror-copy plan 2403i01
13032403 New Not There City site plan development 2413i05
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17032401 MAPAA The RRURBAN Effect Madrid
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