Histoire de l'art par les monuments...


Details and profiles from the principal buildings constructed from the designs of Michaelangelo   Sixteenth century

1. Portion at large from the façade of one of the palaces on the Place of the Capitol.

2. Base and capital of the Ionic columns of the portico, on the ground floor of the same.

3. Pedestal of the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius.

4. One of the inner-columniations of the first and second story of the Farnese palace; the Ionic order of the first is by Vignola.

5. Capital and cornice of the second story.

6. Profile of the entablature crowning the exterior façade of the Farnese palace.

7. Portion of the exterior of the Basilica of St. Peter.

8. Profile of the exterior basement of the Church of St. Peter, with the base of the pilasters.

9. Corinthian capital of the pilasters and the entablature round the exterior of the Church of St. Peter.

10. Base and cornice of the attic which terminates the exterior decoration of the same.

11. Interior order of the library of St. Laurence at Florence, with the arrangement of the desks for enclosing the manuscripts. (Ruggieri, Scelta di Architetture di Firenze, vol. iv, pl. x.)

12. Portion of the reading desks and book-cases at large.

13. Portion of the section of the vestibule of the library of St. Laurence. (Ruggieri, Ibid, vol.iv, pl. iii.)

14. Interior door from the same church.

15. Capital of column of the first order of the vestibule.

16. One of the great consoles in front and profile which support the columns of the lower order of the vestibule.

17. Part of the section of the Chapel of the Princes, described at no. 14, 15, and 16 of the preceding plate.

18. Details of the interior decoration of the same chapel.




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