working title museum

diptych: architecture and thinking twice

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The author also refers to the 24 satallites, along with four spares, that circle the planet twice a day as "a giant birdcage."

William Huff, Symmetry: An Appreciation of its Presence in Man's Consciousness. This is a seris of (I think) 6 articles, three of which were reproduced within various editions of Oppositions. (I've managed to read four of the articles.) These works influenced my 'design' thinking greatly, and surely have a bearing on my seminal approach toward the theory of chronosomatics.

My thinking regarding the mediocre actually stems from the Scripturally reported words of Christ where He states (and here I paraphrase) that the bad and the good are swallowable, whereas the luke warm is "vomited out of My mouth."

This paragraph describes perfectly the metabolic imagination, and, as I copied it here, I realized how I can now also use the creative thinking of Einstein as another example of the metabolic imagination in our time.

My hope lies in architects recognizing this media metamorphosis, and hence using their design skills and design thinking to take this medium to places that other designers might not think to take it.

When I first thought up the quote, "The whiter humanity thinks, the more it manifests extinctions," I was thinking of architecture.

I try my best to express my thoughts and ideas about architecture, and I am looking for a fair exchange with your thoughts on architecture, and not your thoughts on what you think I'm thinking.

I'd say that architecture was its most modern exactly when it exhibited architectural thinking verging on extreme 'whiteness.'

But that certainly didn't stop Sigmund Freud from establishing a new religion of the Self, complete with a Trinity of ego, id, and super-ego. [cf. Civilization and its Discontents is full of metabolic (ie, dualistic creative/destructive) thinking.]

I like going to architecture talks; it reminds of my school days, and they go with my thinking, which is obsessed with just thinking about architecture more and more the older I get--I don't build architecture, I just think it.

I'm thinking it would not be at all unlikely that those most recently raised to imperial rank get to lead off the imperial 'parade.'

I woke up thinking I heard the phone ring.

You've greatly reinforced my thinking that truthful observation engenders an understanding of truth.

Perhaps architects should start thinking of a new symbolism that is not so hazardly material.

As much as it was a personal thinking process, I also could not help but see relations between our dire present and late antique events circa 1700 years ago.

I was just thinking the photo was a fake as well.

I went back to the exhibit twice since we were there for the symposium--once with Anna and the next day with Anna's cousin Sara.

After thinking this through, I then realized that last week's hoax image of the tourist standing atop the World Trade Center just before the plane struck the Tower was also a reenactment, and perhaps even the closest reenactment of the very beginning of the horrible events September 11.

As much as architecture schools teach about 'good' design and 'famous' buildings, there is now every opportunity for every architecture school to generate its own regional archive (i.e., virtual museum)--following the whole notion of thinking globally and acting locally--with the result being hundreds of globally accessible archives online that hold vast amounts of locally collected data.

While I have a few of Wittgenstein's books, the only one I've read completely (I think even twice in the early 1980s) is Culture And Value--a collection of aphorisms that are refreshingly easy to read.

Seeing that lots of homes in my neighborhood are already extremely decorated for Christmas, I'm now thinking how interesting it would be to have a house with exterior screens, and then when Christmas (or Halloween, or Valentine's day, etc.) comes around, you simply 'program' the screens to 'decorate' your house according to the holiday.

Busy thinking and not so busy doing.

I'm thinking, what a shocking mistake, and what a disgrace for both the author, Roger Connah, and the editor at MIT Press. The binoculars are not Rauschenberg's, and I won't even bother to write the name of the binocular's correct artistic father. Isn't such a printed mistake from the most respected architectural editor of books something to be concerned about?

Minerva Medica

Mausoleum of Constantina   Basilica of St. Agnes

Baths of Constantine

Château de Chambord

Fortifications of Florence

Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts

Electronic Calculation Center Olivetti

House 10: Museum


Mausoleum of Constantina   Basilica of St. Agnes

Baths of Constantine

Château de Chambord

Fortifications of Florence

Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts

Electronic Calculation Center Olivetti

House 10: Museum



Quondam © 2019.08.16