quondam @ archinect/79/7912s.htm
raj 2005.04.08 12:46
wow rita quite a stretch on that analogy!!
i must restate CIAM rep an international style IS different than modernism!! i don't understand why this myth is perpetuated in arch schools!
i am with rita with what are the rules and where are they...because while modernism is stated VERY clearly in other sources, pomo is naturally a little less clear...our arch style of each are horrible charactures...
question: is gehry modern or postmodern??
Rita Novel 2005.04.08 19:12
raj, the religious analogy employed is not a stretch when you consider how this thread began, specifically in reference to a "paradigmatic shift". Christianity is a paradigmatic shift vis-a-vis Judaism, and Islam is (in part) a paradigmatic shift vis-a-vis Christianity.
Interestingly, the rise of Christian architecture did coincide with the end of 'classical' Pagan architecture--not long after Christian basilicas were built in Rome and Judea (under the supervision of St. Helena), the legislature under Constantine I (the son of St. Helena) began to steadily outlaw Pagan cults. Ultimately, under emperor Theodosius I, all Pagan cults within the Empire were outlawed, hence no more classical Temples.
[Is what I do modern or is it post-modern? Honestly, I don't care.]
Was it European Colonialism that began the end of many indigenous architectures throughout the "non-Western" world? Can the 'international style' of CIAM be seen somewhat as an extension of Colonialism?
[These are questions that interest me much more than whether Gehry is modern or post-modern?]