Quondam's 28th Year       Stephen Lauf

My Retirement at Ury So Far
2021 - 2024

Miers Fisher was also in town 212 years ago today:

30 April 1812   Thursday

Judge Rush was kind enough to call on me before 7 and took my acknowledgement. After breakfast I went out, visited at Dr. Griffith's, my brother's, T Gilpin's, T Coxe's to ask for my agreement for lands in company with Pickering & Co. for lands in Lycoming County[?] which I lent him to send to Lancaster to be recorded--it is not yet returned, J Reed about my settlement for 4th St. lot. Dined at SL's and returned home in the evening. The morning was cloudy, winds NEerly, came round to SE. Thin clouds midday.

I took the 11:23 train from Fox Chase to Suburban Staion, visited the Pennsylvaia Academy of the Fine Arts Archive, then took the 02:35 train from Suburban Station back to Fox Chase, and was home by 03:15 (very hungry).

And here we have Hoang Tran, Director of Archives and Collections, literally holding up Trajan's Column early this afternoon at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts Archives. I've never seen this Piranesi print in person before, and had no idea of its enormous extent. Sharon was also witness to this happy event.

Plus, I have a feeling that there is a real possibility that the missing Volume 10: Champ de Mars will eventually be found.

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