working title museum

diptych: architecture and thinking twice

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In just newly wondering/thinking about Tabor Road (which was previously called Olney Road, not to be confused with today's Olney Avenue), its late date of origin (1776 under George III) make it for sure one of the very last British colonial rule roadworks projects to have begun in Pennsylvania, if not all the colonies.

I'm thinking more and more lately that what architecture really needs these days is more and more good whistle blowers.

"The expeditious expedition had flags and colors and birds, and waves of hands and waves of seas. They embarked with the goal to please."--these words had everything to do with spontaneously thinking about man's journey to the moon while at the same time thinking about the first launch of the Niña, Pinta and Santa Maria. You know, all pushing that (design) envelope.

It has taken me almost all of the three years research and thinking on St. Helena to come to grips with the whole "silence" in the histories regarding Helena's finding of the True Cross, and the conclusion I came to is that a law of silence regarding Helena and the Cross was indeed issued by Emperor Constantine (Helena's son).

I'm not only thinking of how painting and/or sculpture and/or electronic display screens, etc. are added layers to architecture, which in turn manifest a 'new' entity, but I'm also thinking/wondering about the 'art of architecture' also being appositional to architecture itself.

Last night I was thinking that one could well say that the global night-life that is now very much a daily aspect of human living on this planet is truly and solely a manifestation of the architecture of electricity.

Now back to being only an artist--you know, I think slapdash is probably one of the only really modern styles. Just thinking about slapdash Papal art all over the Vatican triggers a gush of drives and juices.

One more thing, I do not want to come off as being anti any kind of thinking, especially established thinking. Yet I also do not want new ideas brought on by new means to be uninvestigated just because they are very different than the established means.

There is something almost magical about working with a vehicle/medium where there are literally twice the possibilities and where inversion (of self, for example) and mirroring (again of self, for example) provide, again, double the possibilities.

Yes there are times when I wear a necktie, e.g., funerals or weddings, and once or twice a year is about all I can take.

The notion of 'epicentral' stems directly from the calendrical coincidences of earthquakes at Izmit, Turkey (the quondam Nicomedia) that have so far twice occurred right around the 18 August feast of St. Helena.

I was not thinking of what happens to old residence when old parts of the city are regentrified. I was thinking specifically of places like North Philadelphia, New Jersey's Camden, and from what I gather huge portions of Detroit, etc. etc. Places that so far have not and likely never will see re-gentrification.

I am now wondering/thinking about how I and my work can remain as virtual as possible, and this is a personal modus operandi.

It is indeed 'double theatrics' that is presently helping me to formulate my thinking of what it is exactly that I am doing.

Could it be that my thinking was somehow enhanced the night before while having dinner at the top of the Atomium?

The Sessorian Palace, as it morphed over centuries from imperial home of Elagabalus to the baroque church of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme today, is what started me thinking about houses that morph into something else.

I'm thinking that the only thing that makes these shopping centers a little different than the typical 'suburban' centers out there now as well, is that these centers were not built on 'virgin' land, thus they are from their recent beginnings already part of a re-use process, and perhaps for the most part will continue to be to be re-used.

Just as an aside, while it is long a common belief that Christianity was most set out to end Judaism, that thinking is largely a misinterpretation, because the reality is that Christianity most set out to end paganism, and for the most part it succeeded in doing that, even in Africa and the New World!

I never thought of Fallingwater, but the comparison is indeed apt, especially when thinking of how that hippie guide once inhabited the Japanese House.

Now, thinking of the position of "ersatz," it could be said that where oral history is still memory/reenactment, written history is the substitute for oral history.

I'll even go so far as to believe that Piranesi had in fact intentionally utilized the principles of mnemonic in delineating the great plan--this thinking, moreover, is only reinforced by mnemonic itself being a Roman rhetoric 'invention' in the first place.


Mausoleum of Constantina   Basilica of St. Agnes

Baths of Constantine

Château de Chambord

Fortifications of Florence

Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts

Electronic Calculation Center Olivetti

House 10: Museum

St. Peter's Basilica

Mausoleum of Constantina   Basilica of St. Agnes

Baths of Constantine

Château de Chambord

Fortifications of Florence

Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts

Electronic Calculation Center Olivetti

House 10: Museum



Quondam © 2019.08.16