Antonio di Jacopo Benci (Antonio del Pollajuolo)
sculptor and painter; b. January 17, 1431; d. February 4, 1498.
Known more as a painter and anatomical draughtsman of celebrity than as a decorative artist; but there is embossed work of his in the baptistery of Florence.

Michel Colombe
sculptor and architect; b. about 1430; d. 1512.
Colombe probably came from Brittany (France). About 1445 he visited Burgundy, and came in contact with the works of Claux Sluter, Claux de Werwe, and others of the Burgundian school. About 1460 he opened an atelier in the Rue des Filles-Dieu, at Tours (Indre-et-Loire, France). About 1480 he designed a monument for Loys Rohault, Bishop of Maillezais in Poitou, France, and a retable for the church of S. Saturnin, at Tours, which was destroyed in the Revolution. His most important work is the monument which Anne de Bretagne, queen of Louis XII, ordered in 1502 in memory of her father, Francois II, Duke of Brittany, and his second wife, Marguerite de Foix. The design was made by Jean Perréal, and the execution superintended by Colombe after his seventieth year. This monument was broken up in 1792. The fragments were put together in 1817 and placed in the transept of the cathedral of Nantes. His fine bas-relief of "S. George and the Dragon," formerly at the château of Gaillon, is now in the Louvre.

Antonio Federighi (dei Tolomei)
sculptor and architect; d. 1490.
He built, about 1460, the Loggia del Papa, at Siena, and also, at Siena, the open chapel near the Palazzo dei Diavoli. He made the beautiful holy water basins at the cathedral. Federighi designed four important compositions in the great mosaic pavement of the cathedral of Siena (see Beccafumi). He was employed in Rome during the pontificate of Pius II (Pope 1458-1464).

Isaie da Pisa
sculptor and architect.
A sculptor who flourished in the reign of Pius II (Pope 1458-1464) in Rome. Porcello in his poem, Ad immortalitatem Isäie Bisani Manuorum celatoris, mentions among his works the tomb of Eugenius IV (Pope 1431-1447) at the church of S. Salvatore in Lauro, Rome, and the triumphal arch of the Castel Nuovo at Naples. In this latter work he was associated with many other sculptors (see Desiderio da Settignano; Giuliano da Maiano; and Paolo Romano).




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