Robert Venturi

Eclectic Houses    


Re: CAD-CAM for a Higher and Better Use
Where are the two (newer) houses that you have sent images of? ...descendants of Venturi and Rauch's Guild House (Philadelphia, 1965) as well as Venturi's Eclectic Houses (theoretical studies 1977).

2008.07.14 10:06
bored with modern & contemporary, yet?
"Then I thought, might it not be interesting if homes were treated/designed like BIG BOX stores."
It could well be argued that the Villa Savoye is a fitting representation or acme even of the paradigm shift in residential architecture toward overall minimalism. The skeleton of a minimalist building is even more minimal (see Farnsworth House). Then came the decorated shed with minimalist decoration. And in the virtual present gemmating decorated sheds infringing upon minimalist remains.

2009.03.17 17:10
Making it/Thinking Architectural
Architectural history flattened.

Architectural history reduced to a few lines.

2011.02.16 18:33
7 Wonders (and a half) of POSTMODERN architecture?
Might the whole idea of Strada Novissima (1980) have been inspired by Venturi's Eclectic Houses (1977)?

2012.01.29 11:39
Looking for Venturi cartoon
To further confuse the issue, see pages 56-58 of The Language of Post-Modern Architecture--interesting theory of movie star homes being "the most influential in popular taste."
For the record, the cartoon above from Learning from Las Vegas is from the "Learning from Levittown" studio at Yale 1970, with the drawing/cartoon by Robert Miller (who might be the inspiration for a fictional client today).
"Following the appearance of Learning from Las Vegas (1972), R. Venturi, D. Scott Brown and S. Izenour had planned the publication of their second Yale research project under the title "Learning from Levittown". This book was never completed, but the research material became the basis for a 1976 exhibition [Signs of Life] in Washington D.C." --Stanilaus von Moos
Eclectic Houses and the Gooding House are both from 1977, and may well be seen as "theory/research into practice." Check out the comparative scales. And in 1999, hyper-eclectic.

2012.07.19 15:41
The Philadelphia School, deterritorialized
Cat's away, mice will play or Mom goes eclectic.

Bye House--Eclectic Houses
Replace the wall of the Bye House with (enlarged versions) of the Eclectic Houses facades.



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