Histoire de l'art par les monuments...


Triumphal Arch erected at Naples in honor of Alphonso the First of Aragon   Fifteenth century   Military fortifications

1. Façade of a triumphal arch at Naples in the Castel-nuovo, erected in 1445 by the city of Naples in memory of the triumphal entry into this city of Alphonso I of Aragon; it is the work of Pietro di Martino, architect and sculpture of Milan.

2-5. Details at large.

Military fortifications.
6. Plan and elevation of part of the ancient boundary walls of Rome, between the gates Pinciana and Salaria.

7. Ancient gate of Rome, near the gate of St. Laurence, at the time of Aurelian.

8. Portion of the walls of Rome, between the gates of St. John and St. Laurence.

9. Ruins of the fortress of Lucera in Apulia, built by the Emperor Frederick II in the thirteenth century. 10. Plan and elevation of one of the gates of Fondi, frontier town of Naples.

11. View of the fortress of Rimini, erected in the fifteenth century by Sigismond Malatesta; this engraving is taken from the reverse of a medallion by Matteo Pasti in 1446; on the other side is the head of Sigismond, with these words:-- SIGISMVNDVS PANDVLPLVS MALATESTA PAN F

12. General plan of the same fortress in its present state.

13. Bastion de San Precolo, on the north side of the boundary walls of the city of Verona. This bastion, circular on plan, is a portion of the ancient fortification, much earlier than the fifteenth century.

14. Bastion called La Maddalena, near the porta del Vescovo, constructed in 1527, one of the first angular bastions.

15. Bastion called del Corno, 1530.

16. Bastion di Spagna; this form of bastion was invented by San Micheli.

17. Gate called La Porta-nuovo, built by San Micheli, from 1533 to 1535.




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