
body imagination architecture

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2007.07.11 16:45
Verb: Featured Discussion
Is it all still pretty operative criticism?
Perhaps architectural criticism needs to begin operating differently where:
some criticisms are extreme™
some criticisms are fertile™
some criticisms are pregnant™
some criticisms are assimilating™
some criticisms are metabolic™
some criticisms are osmotic™
some criticisms are electro-magnetic™
some criticisms are total frequency™
But maybe that will only happen when (we begin to realize that):
some architectures are extreme™
some architectures are fertile™
some architectures are pregnant™
some architectures are assimilating™
some architectures are metabolic™
some architectures are osmotic™
some architectures are electro-magnetic™
some architectures are total frequency™

2007.08.04 14:41
Koolhaas & Eisenman Discuss "Urgency" at the CCA
About 180 more years of an architecture dominated by the combined assimilating and metabolic imaginations, and then roughly 500 years of an architecture dominated by a pure metabolic imagination. All the while the profane osmotic imagination remains in the background. So much for the physiology, morphologically a bi-polar structural cage will continue to branch and grow (till completion c. 3091).

2007.10.15 21:23
Differentiation between the outside and the inside.
The Great Pyramid maintains a strict differentiation between outside and inside--life and light outside, darkness and death inside.
"The absolute rule of architecture is that the inside has to be different than the outside." 1983
Yet really great architecture manages to keep the rule and break the rule simultaneously.
The Pantheon at Rome brings the whole cosmology inside.
The Hall of Mirrors at Versailles reflects the whole garden inside.
The Kimbell Art Museum brings the outside light inside.
Osmotic Architecture.

2007.12.03 08:05
Guess Who
..but what about the subcategories of profane and sacred space?
fertile space
conceptual space
assimilating space
metabolic space
diaphragmic space
networked space
osmotic space
electromagnetic space
all-frequency space

2007.12.03 09:19
Guess Who
Both the profane and the sacred are human "being". Take away the qualifying hierarchy and you'll see the whole picture, which is much more.
After reading The Sacred and the Profane perhaps pick up Slovoj Zizek, The Puppet and the Dwarf: The Perverse Core of Christianity. It might help fill out the "whole picture."
I forgot a subcategory:
fertile space
conceptual space
pregnant space
assimilating space
metabolic space
diaphragmic space
networked space
osmotic space
electromagnetic space
all-frequency space
for a school I'd go:
inside -- assimilating space and all-frquency space
outside -- metabolic space

2008.03.13 17:21
Eisenman vs Zumthor theoretical approach
Eisenman: assimilating and metabolic imaginations
Zumthor: assimilating and pre-natal all-frequency imaginations
Eisenman, somewhat still-born
Zumthor, somewhat pregnant

2008.03.19 12:39
Eisenman vs Zumthor theoretical approach
Wow, Kejduh's "The Imagination of Embryonic Development" flies better than time!

2008.03.22 10:54
taking sexy back
multiple choice:
seminating imagination
ovulating imagination
fertilized imagination
conceptual imagination
pregnant imagination
pre-natal imagination
imagination of embryonic development
all of the above

2008.03.22 14:53
Eisenman vs Zumthor theoretical approach
assimilation: absorption
extreme assimilation: purge
metabolic: creative/destructive duality
pre-natal: synaptical
all-frequency: synapses
still-born: delivery and that's it
pregnant: delivery forthcoming

2008.04.02 13:05
Body Architecture
The Timepiece of Humanity
(chronosomatically) Contemplating the Navel .06

2008.08.13 16:37
when thought matters
It was the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili and its profanation of love. "Religion of materiality" and capitalism as today's real religion.
The symbolic isn't dead, merely profaned. Just look at higher education as the symbolic profaned via its high price.
As to architecture profaned, I'm thinking of something along the lines of how html and the internet profaned publishing.
The assimilating imagination and the metabolic imagination are the more profane imaginations, whereas the osmotic imagination and the electro-magnetic imagination are the more sacred imaginations. They can all be utilized when it comes to design.

2008.08.14 08:13
when thought matters
The proposition of a metabolic imagination & an assimilating imagination relative to an osmotic imagination & an electromagnetic imagination stems from the design (morphology and physiology) of the human body. The diaphragm separates the abdominal cavity from the thoracic cavity. The primary operations within the abdominal cavity are assimilation (digestive tract) and metabolism (liver), while the primary operations within the thoracic cavity are osmosis (lungs) and electromagnetism (heart). The diaphragm aids in respiration, defecation and partuition (giving birth). Note how the role of the diaphragm correlates directly to Eliade's 'formula' of transcendence from profane to sacred.
The main proposition is that the human mind, the imagination, operates like the body it is bottom up from. In Peircian terms then, the design of the human body is the perpetual index, symbol and icon of human imagination.

2008.08.22 17:15
peter's canon
Both Einsenman's and Koolhaas's designs reflect the assimilating and metabolic imaginations. Yet Eisenman's designs remain mostly still-born, whereas Koolhaas's designs are reaching puberty.

2008.11.02 10:05
Reenactionary Architecturism
Strictly speaking, however, the human skull is not an exoskeleton. While encasing/protecting the brain, the skull also provides support and structure for the head, which contains most of the body's orifices. And it is indeed these capital orifices that channel the senses of sight, smell, taste and hearing--all refinements of the sense of touch.
[There is a reason why helmets are still a vital part of military garb.]
Consider too how the rib cage provides protection for the body's most vital organs. And how the hiatus between the pelvis and the rib cage is where the body (both male and female) most expands.
The human body's true vestige of an exoskeleton are the nails, which are at the tips of the extremities, the outer reaches, the points of primal physical contact--touch--with other matter. I have in the past wondered if the genes associated with our nails are among the very oldest of our genome.
Is there or will there ever be an architecture that reenacts keratin?

2008.11.02 19:07
Stab one: a thesis declaration
What exactly is "the assumed masculinity of military architecture"?
To clarify my thesis:
So what then is architecture? Is it a [feminine] hard, 'simple', 'natural' protective shell that engenders the continuation of life? Or is it a [masculine] soft formlessness forever (re-)designing an applied shell it doesn't naturally have?"

2009.02.13 08:24
pragmatists turning political?
Is any of what you wrote above closely related to "architecture as delivery of content"?
Are there architectures that perform assimilatingly? metabolically? osmotically? electro-magnetically? ultra-frequently?
ars ludi

Venturi's Lieb (No. 9) House to be moved (or demolished)

2009.06.17 14:49
fouquet's barriere hotel
the real:

great design, very 21st century, consummate use of the assimilating and metabolic imagination.
the virtual:
the renderings are now inconsequential.

Really, what boundaries have you pushed?

the ethics of parametricism/emergent architectural thought and reification

2012.08.31 17:34
The Objectification of the Deterritorialized Whole[nesses]

2012.09.02 09:49
a whole bunch of...
As mentioned by the second and third posters, this thread is a reaction to the "perennial whole" blog and its comments.
tammuz, you slip a bit in your opening statements (regarding the Ka'ba). You are presuming to know what my understanding of "electro-magnetic architecture" is, thus your comment more only stems from your understanding (--or at least tell us what you see my understanding of "electro-magnetic architecture" to be). It is not the Ka'ba itself that I see presenting a "conceptual wholeness," rather it is the perennial event of which the Ka'ba is the center that presents a conceptual wholeness (of Islam).
The Villa Savoye presents an extreme case of assmilating wholeness because the elements of architecture have been so absorbed to the point of 'ethnic cleansing', thus, if not exactly manifesting a 'racially pure' architecture, at least a highly homogenized architecture.
I'm still trying to come to grips with "omni-frequency" myself. The gist of the notion, however, emanates from the concentrated confluence of all the senses to the point of an enveloping cognition.
In "The Obligation Toward the Difficult Whole" Venturi speaks to the ease of designing a whole (building) via exclusion versus the difficulty of designing a whole (building) via inclusion. I find it interesting that Giurgola, at the same time (and place), wrote about taking the "partial view" toward design(ing). I hope to investigate this coincidence more closely, and both examples begin this thread in reaction to the 'perennial whole' blog.
To say "that all the wholenesses [I] refer[red] to are "tropic wholenesses"" is to prematurely reterritorialize the "systems". I am not using 'fertile', 'assimilating', 'metabolic', etc. as "figures of speech in which the words are used in a sense different from their literal meaning" (i.e., trope). What I have done is deterritorialize (although still keep whole) the literal meanings of the words (from [describing] operational systems of the body to [describing] operational systems of the imagination).

2012.11.04 11:42
The Language of Architecture
For the most part, spoken languages still relate to quite specific geographic locations. Up until roughly 100 years ago, specific geographic locations, too, had their distinct architectures. Colonialism began to usurp 'native' architectures with European architectures. In the mid-20th century the 'International Style' became an architectural Esperanto.
Is architecture today composed mostly of many, many personal languages?
Are most of architecture's languages now lost?
What present architectures still relate to specific geographic locations?
What architectures are bilingual?
What architectures are multilingual?
What architectures exist also in translation?
What architectures now exist only in translation ?
What architectures are lost in translation?
Who speaks slang architecture? And is slang architecture ever appropriate?
Does anyone ever order language-salad architecture? Maybe that tastes best on Pentecost.
"I love my architect[ure]s because they often manage to say something I haven't heard before."



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