2011.02.17 13:01
Generic Architecture
the myth
the reality
hope floats
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A Mat/Slab/Blob Genealogy
OMA, National Art Museum of China, 2011.04.04.
Herzog & deMeuron, BBVA Headquarters, 2008.12.17.
Quondam, Working Title Museum 002, 2000.
Le Corbusier, Electronic Calculation Center Olivetti, 1963-64.
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2012.07.17 17:06
koolhaas' Junkspace
Again from Stern's "Notes on Post-Modernism"...
By post-modern, I believe Eisenman really meant anti-Modern Movement; moreover, I think he hoped it might also be against the Western humanist tradition. But as I hope to demonstrate, and as I see it, the term postmodern really describes a condition that comes after and is in reaction to the Modern Movement, and attempts to effect a synthesis between it and other strains of the Western humanist tradition.
If you look at the architecture that subsequently became the foundation of Post-Modern Architecture, you indeed do see a synthesis between the Modern Movement and other (older and/or concurrent) strains of the Western humanist tradition.
Conversely, Junkspace is not a synthesis, but rather a by-product, an undesigned residue paradoxically emanating from our ever-expanding (overly?) designed built environment. Junkspace is there although no one specifically designed it, yet it might not be there so much if designers weren't so intent on designing everything[?].
2012.09.12 18:52
fashion statements 2001-2012, what's next?
Stephen Lauf, Fashion Statement 002, 2001.06.20
Stephen Lauf, Fashion Statement 005, 2001.06.20
Stephen Lauf, Fashion Statement 008, 2006.02.25
OMA, G Star RAW vs. OMA, 2012
If OMA/AMO is looking for some inspiration in 2014 or 2015, then may I suggest something I did in 2004.