97050701 circle/square studies 2393i01
97050702 Chronosomatic Man plane of the present studies 2296i01 b c
97050703 Chronosomatics male/female 2296i02
97050704 Chronosomatics temple and Altes Museum plan 2296i03
97050705 Chronosomatics St. Peter's Square oval tondo 2296i04
97050706 Chronosomatics male/female BC/AD 2296i05
97050707 Chronosomatics circle/square year calculation 2296i06
97050708 Chronosomatics yin-yang I-Ching Janus 2296i07
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2005.05.07 10:18
Trump vs. Libeskind
In all fairness, let's at least admit that Libeskind's name too was very much affixed all over the first Freedom Tower design.
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060507a Romaphilia Center City Philadelphia model 2360i06
060507b Romaphilia Philadelphia base map 2360i07
2012.05.07 17:49
Lebbeus Wood in China
Since I will never see this work in person, my experience of it will never be anything but virtual. In fact, most of the architecture I "know" I've never seen in person, thus my experience of most of the architecture I know is virtual. Since the existence of (distributed) drawings and then photographs and then CAD models and then digital images, it has been possible to experience architecture virtually.
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13050701 Wall House 2 plans, elevations axonometrics perspectives etc 2403i02
13050702 Wall House 2 model in register with 13050701 2403i03 b
15050701 Lee Otterson Terminal of Arts and Culture Helsinki
16050701 Cubist ICM museum compilation working data 2436i46
16050701 Thorup Carlsen New School of Architecture Aarhus
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18050701 Unité d'Habitation plan elevation dimensions fixed 217qi02
18050702 860 Lake Shore Drive Apartments Unité d'Habitation elevations dimensions fixed 217qi03
18050703 860 Lake Shore Drive Apartments Unité d'Habitation plans elevations 217qi04
19050701 Novel Architecturale iqq19 plan development 2481i02
21050701 Pyramids of Gizeh Center City Philadelphia plans iq19 2060i39
21050702 Pyramids of Gizeh Hadrian's Villa Palace/Park of Versailles plans iq43 2060i40
21050703 Pyramids of Gizeh New Not There City plans iq55 56 58 59 2060i41