1999.06.26 05:33
Limbo is another name that Catholic teaching gives to purgatory.
In Catholic theology, purgatory is where some souls go before they are allowed to enter heaven--the souls there do not deserve hell/inferno, but they don't exactly deserve heaven/paradiso yet either, hence they are in limbo.
Some other dictionary definitions:
...the souls of unbaptized infants are in limbo
a place or state of restraint or confinement
a place or state of neglect or oblivion
an intermediate or transitional place or state; a middle ground
In Terragni's Danteum, purgatory is designed as a "room" that is both (equally?) inside and outside--the transitional place. Supposedly, this is to have an uneasy effect, being neither inside or outside, but I think you can look at it positively as well, being both inside and outside--the center of the Villa Savoye is a perfect (positive) example.
Using this analogy re: the architectural promenade, when one is at this point in the path, then (I assume) one can experience/learn from/take advantage of both (heaven/hell inside/outside) realms.
2003.06.26 19:29
fact check and some proof
I'd say the real shell architectures were those caves some humans used to live in, and beyond that architecture became an applied shell, and going to an(other) extreme, a space station is all shell, but hardly natural.
2003.06.26 20:02
fact check and some proof
I see your point about architectures that fulfill nomadic intentions, but I also see mobile homes, trailer parks and even just automobiles as architectures that fulfill nomadic intentions better than hotels. Hotels fit more the oasis typology/metaphor, acting as both waystation and/or destination.
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13062601 New Not There City contiguous elements district plans 2413i13
13062602 New Not There City wave grid blocks plans 2413i14
16062601 GAUA S30 IQ24 block inverted opaque
16062602 GAUA S30 IQ24 Cubist ICM infill 2429i215
16062603 GAUA S31 IQ24 block inverted opaque
16062604 GAUA S31 IQ24 Cubist ICM infill 2429i216
17062601 OFFICE RTBF Brussels
18062601 museum collection IQ44 Guggenheim Museum Farnsworth House Glass House Eames House and Studio Guerini Stampalia Foundation Yale Art Gallery Museum of Knowledge Neue Nationalgalerie Maison de la'Homme House 10: Museum Un Pavillon d'Exposition Kimbell Art Museum of Hamar Gunma Museum of Modern Art plans 216ei04
18062602 Querini Stampalia Foundation plan sections 216gi01
18062603 Museum of Hamar plan 221gi01
18062604 Gunma Museum of Modern Art plan 221ei02
18062605 Pompidou Centre working plan 221hi01
19062601 Pruitt-Igoe Housing Farnsworth House 860-880 Lake Shore Drive Apartments plans elevation models 217ai10 b
21062601 House 10x8.5: Hypermuseum House 10: Museum House 15 plans 2497i02
21062602 LC1958 Berlin Planning Competition Philharmonie Neue Nationalgalerie Victims House 10x8.5: Hypermuseum iqq14 plans 217ii23
21062603 House 8 House 10: Museum House 14 House 15 Wall House 2 Silent Witnesses Victims Nunnery Maze House House 10x8.5: Hypermuseum plans 2193i04
21062604 House 10: Museum Nunnery Nunnery Museum plans plan development 2498i01