
Pantheon     Rome

1   b   c   d

the Pantheon as delineated by Seroux d'Agincourt

the Pantheon with other promenade architecturale architecture

"With the building of the Pantheon . . .architectural thinking had been turned inside out..."

Reenactionary Architecturism: cosmos, Romulus's first triumphal march, Pantheon

Osmosis and Electro-Magnetism: an Outside Inside Architecture
A comparative analysis between the Pantheon and Kahn's Hurva Synagogue.

scale and architecture
... plans of the Parthenon and the Pantheon.

scale and architecture
Another lesson in scale can be gleamed from the layout of the main level of Le Corbusier's Palais des Congrès--many spaces/functions within one grand and open loft space with the entire level composed of many smaller elements, creating a microcosm of urban-center-ness. This recalls the idea of the Pantheon as an interior microcosm. Perhaps the main floor of the Palais des Congrès is a manifestation of Le Corbusier's idea of a modern microcosm, i.e., free forms dispersed throughout a Cartesian order.

promenade architecturale   206gc

outside/inside architecture
There are many examples of outside/inside (osmotic) architecture already in Quondam's collection. ...collect these buildings and more: Johnson's Glass House, Mies van der Rohe's Glass Tower, the Pantheon, the Altes Museum, Mikveh Israel Synagogue. ...display them as a growing list of osmotic buildings. ...the ideas regarding the absolute rule of architecture. ...a special notion of light (electro-magnetism).

outside inside
...the absolute rule of architecture: the outside has to be different than the inside. I still believe this to be true, especially because many of the great examples of architecture strive and symbolically) succeed in bringing the outside inside--prime example: the Pantheon in Rome. ...'limbo architecture' as a new category which adds subtlety and distinction to the inside-outside issue.

1999.06.27 19:23
limbo-schizophrenia   206gb

architecture in cyberspace?
As to electromagnetic (radiation) architecture, i.e., architecture of light, the two best examples currently on this planet are the Pantheon in Rome and Kahn's Kimbell Art Museum.

1999.09.29 18:35
the formula in words   206gb

an answer to "Now what?"
What architecture is osmotic?
The Pantheon, Hall of Mirrors, Versailles, entry sequence of Schinkel's Altes Museum, Kimbell Art Gallery--examples of the best osmotic architecture there is.

Re: Theory dynamics; what theories?
For example, I see the Pantheon and Kahn's Kimbell Art Museum as both prime example of an architecture that reenacts the osmotic imagination, which is an imagination that reenacts the physiological process of osmosis, which is the equalizing diffusion of concentrations either side of a semipermeable membrane. Both the Pantheon and Kimbell are semipermeable (each in its own way) and both buildings work towards 'equalizing' the outside and the inside (again each in its own way). Furthermore, osmotic architecture seems to often capture a 'sacred' quality.

Re: Place and Space
Then I said, "It's ironic, however, that some of the greatest examples of architecture succeed exactly because they managed to bring the outside inside. The Pantheon immediately springs to mind. Then again those old and great pyramids are probably the foremost example of architecture that extremely differentiates the inside from the outside."

Re: Osmosis /Electromagnatism /(An)Architecture
The definition of osmosis you supplied is indeed the first definition of osmosis, but there are several others:
a process of asborption, interaction, or diffussion suggestive of the flow of osmotic action: as an interaction or interchange (as of cultural groups of traits) by mutual penetration esp. through a separating medium : a usually effortless often unconscious absorption or assimilation (as of ideas or influences) by seemingly general permeation
These subsequent definitions of osmosis relate rather well to architecture, as I've already mentioned, particularly to the architectural notions of transition from outside to inside and vice versa. I see the Pantheon in Rome and Kahn's Kimbell Art Museum as extremely fine examples of osmotic architecture. Furthermore, the Pantheon and the Kimbell are also extremely fine examples of electromagnetic architecture because they are both consumate examples of an architecture of light (ie, electromagnetic radiation).
I am not here proposing that the above interpretations are the only correct interpretations of these buildings and the definitions under discussion, but I'm rather making connections between corporal physiological processes and architectures that for the most part haven't been made before.

Re: purchase
Did you know that the Pantheon is a Roman Catholic Church, and indeed the only building in Rome of Pagan religious origin to be so converted?--that's because it houses collected remains from Christian catacombs that were caving in during the latter part of the first millennium.

2003.11.17 12:14
Re: Is it the end of theory?   206gb

2005.03.23 13:47
a scale comparison
...there is this great little diagrammatic drawing demonstrating a scale comparison with the Perisphere and Trylon of the 1939 New York World's Fair--
from left to right: the Great Pyramid, Parthenon, Pantheon (which looks to me a bit bigger than it actually is), Santa Sophia, Constantinople, St. Mark's Venice, Chartres, St. Peter's Rome, the Perisphere and Trylon.

2007.10.15 21:23
Differentiation between the outside and the inside   206gb

2007.10.16 11:08
Differentiation between the outside and the inside
"trying to mix the two gently"
1a. the tendency of a fluid, usually water, to pass through a semipermeable membrane into a solution where the solvent concentration is higher, thus equalizing the concentrations of materials on either side of the membrane.
1b. the diffusion of fluids through membranes or porous partitions.
2. a subtle or gradual absorption or mingling
working title: The Semipermeable Membrane of Architecture

2013.09.23 22:06
Is the Pantheon always a spectacular experience?   206gc

2013.09.24 15:10
Is the Pantheon always a spectacular experience?   206gd





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