Pantheon within Ichnographia Quondam Philadelphia street grid and building footprints plans
Pantheon within Ichnographia Quondam Infringement Complex plans
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architectural promenade
...the oldest example of the promenade architecturale [formula] I have found thus far is the Pantheon in Rome itself. It is a very compacted version of the forest, hell, purgatory (inside/outside), and paradise.
A good portion of the architectural promenade formula can also be found in the entry sequence of Schinkel's Altes Museum. The facade/colonnade is the forest, and again the pilotis holding up the box. The dark portal under the stairs is the journey into hell. The ascension of the stairs is the inside/outside experience of purgatory, the middle level. And the museum's central pantheon is paradise, heaven, and the solarium. This interpretation of the Altes Museum, furthermore, sheds new light on Stirling's Düsseldorf and Stuttgart museums.
Pantheon Altes Museum Danteum Museum for Nordrhein Westfalen Neue Staatsgalerie promenade architecturale plans
Pantheon with the other plans of novel architecturale at the same scale
2013.09.23 22:06
Is the Pantheon always a spectacular experience?
And it's formidable size: over 140' tall, you can fit a 10 story building inside it; the oculus is 30' across, a school bus could fit through it.
I haven't been there in 36 years, but I still remember it. Went there to sketch a couple of times, and just missed being in there during a rain storm (I really wanted to experience that). Since this past Friday I've been coordinating and generating lots of CAD data relative to the Pantheon, and just today I compiled a whole string of buildings (within Quondam's collection) that related to the Pantheon, and its quite interesting to see how the Pantheon paradigm has been interpreted/reenacted over the last sixty years.