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2010.10.09 22:07
Le Corbusier a Nazi simpathizer?
"...all buildings constructed after 1950 contain an expiration date, the death of architecture equals, potentially, the rebirth of the city."
--who said that?
The same goes for academic babble control?
Dmitri Chechulin did eventually manage to realize the design of the Aeroflot Building in another incarnation--the RSFSR House of the Soviets (the Russian Parliament, colloquially known as the White House), completed in 1981.
Architects under Stalin, let's hear it for them!
just e.g.
Alexei Dushkin, N. Knyazev, Autozavodskaya metro station, Moscow, 1943.
and all that other triumphalism.
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12100901 Working Title Museum 003 floor plate generator 2325i04 b c d e
13100901 Maison Dom-ino perspectives elevations plans 2140i08
13100902 Maison Dom-ino model 2140i09
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14100901 Guillermo Fernández-Abascal Cervantes Institute Shanghai
17100901 Sampietro House plans sections elevations 224di01
17100902 Westchester House plans sections 2261i01
18100901 Acropolis of Contemporary Art model 2473i05
18100902 Acropolis of Contemporary Art model opaque off axonometrics raw 2473i06 b c
18100901 Herzog & de Meuron Neue Nationalgalerie – Museum des 20. Jahrhunderts Berlin
19100901 iq38 Cubist ICM 2436i76
19100902 Stonehenge Hadrian's Villa Hagia Sophia Château de Chambord Louvre Palace of Versailles Mount Pleasant Altes Museum Schloß Neuschwannstein Robie House plans elevations section museum collecting 2061i16
20100901 Savoye Shadows Annexation Villa +15 plans elevations 2408i05
20100902 domestic 1944 Houses Under a Common Roof plans elevations
20100903 domestic 1947 Farnsworth House Kaufmann Desert House Baker House Barragan House and Studio plans elevations
20100904 domestic 1949 Weiss House 860-880 Lake Shore Drive Apartments Glass House Eames House and Studio Maison Curutchet
20100905 Barragan House and Studio plan elevation 217li01