
among other things, Minerva is the goddess of weaving

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2010.12.07 16:06
"On Criticism" an aggregate thread
For me, criticism has always been an un-strictly-written phenomenon. The intended results come much quicker that way.

2010.12.07 09:21
"On Criticism" an aggregate thread
Rita Novel is no doubt the premier performance architect as institutional critique. It's no wonder that so many find her so hard to forget. Signs of an indelible institution herself.
her motto:
We are Legion or One Size Fits All.

2010.12.07 08:29
"On Criticism" an aggregate thread
As posted over two years ago...
Stephen Lauf, Architecture in Critical Condition (Quondam, 2008).
from the series:
Architecture in Undetermined Condition
Patient is awaiting physician and/or assessment.
Architecture in Good Condition
Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious and comfortable. Indicators are excellent.
Architecture in Fair Condition
Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious, but may be uncomfortable. Indicators are favorable.
Architecture in Serious Condition
Vital signs may be unstable and not within normal limits. Patient is acutely ill. Indicators are questionable.
Architecture in Critical Condition
Vital signs are unstable and not within normal limits. Patient may be unconscious. Indicators are unfavorable.

chapters of Architecture in Critical Condition:
To ERr with SuperGlue™
Bilocation Syndrome
Going into Eclectic Shock/Therapy
Surgical Double Theater
Waiting Room: Anxious, Reading, Liszt
Operation a Success; Patient Dead
Malpractice Case: Houses
Eternal Wrest

inspiration for chapter two:
Back in the 1970s, there was a well-to-do woman in Savannah, GA who surreptitiously SuperGlued her husband's erect penis to his belly. A critical response to the husband's sleeping around, for sure. Apparently, the nurses at the ER loved it.

2010.11.15 12:26
Some of Piranesi's virtuality becoming real. (It seems this has been discussed somewhere here before.)
Here the newly real is not only extremely truthful to its artificiality, but extremely truthful to its over 200 year old virtual precedent as well.

2010.11.15 10:12
Technological consumption is a crafted reality.

2010.11.14 18:00
All architecture is artificial, even to the point where you can say that architecture is the most artificial thing on this planet. And if architecture is to be truthful, it can really only be truthful to its artificiality. Moreover, it is that architecture that most pushes its artificiality to the extreme/edge that becomes the best architecture.
I'm speaking here mostly of real architecture, designs that are built. Virtual architecture (designs that could be built but aren't) and post-real virtual architecture (architecture that was built but no longer exists) express their truthfulness in other ways.

2010.11.14 11:31
I'm apologizing in advance.
Trying hard (to make it better again) around here almost always guarantees the underwhelming, as does thread moderation. (for verification of both counts see id=102455)
Here's a revelation: "So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of my mouth."
This forum is tepid at best.
Apparently changing the temperature is a talent not everyone has.
About the extension cords, that was a prime example of "when in Rome." And it actually is funny to see someone shot at a decoy.

2010.11.13 18:18
Architects @ Archinect
This is one of my more successful designs. I came up with the idea all myself!

The clients love it.

2010.11.13 18:01
I'm apologizing in advance.
Then again, paying some people to not add content might just engender lots of discourse as well.
The word I'd use to describe this forum is underwhelming, as in "I want to start a thread called Underwhelming Central, but I'm afraid I'll be yelled at and told there are already a whole bunch of threads like that."

2010.11.13 14:47
Rainmakers Share Your Tips
I like the part about you showing businesses "a better way of doing things" and then asking others here to show you a better way of doing things. That's a rare talent right there.

2010.11.13 11:41
I'm apologizing in advance.
Perhaps the days of worthwhile-content-given-freely is steadily on the downswing (perhaps especially when given freely to an otherwise profitting site).
If worthwhile content received remuneration, there'd be lots of discourse.

2010.11.06 15:40
Re: Seen and Not Seen
"Seen and Not Seen" immediately brought to mind a provocative passage I read just a few nights ago:
"Le Corbusier's first important building after the war was the studio residence he built for Ozanfant in Paris in 1922. In the following year he published his famous book Vers un Architecture. Probably the most influential architectural book of its generation, its contents add remarkably little to what Violette-le-Duc said in his lectures exactly sixty years before. The beauty of the machine, the importance of geometrical control in the creation of design, the stupidity of academic tradition, the lessons of the past in precision and logic--all these are topics which Violette-le Duc had dealt with. But in Le Corbusier the emphasis is, of course, very different. He is able to put the car, the air-plane and the liner in the foreground of the picture; he insists far more vehemently on the way in which engineering has leapt ahead of architecture and he coins the phrase 'la maison--une machine a habiter'. His technique, too, is lighter and faster, adapted to an age of headlines and headlights. And there is one subject he deals with at some length which would have been perfectly strange to his great precursor--the subject of factory-built houses."
--John Summerson, "Architecture, Painting and Le Corbusier" in Heavenly Mansions and other essays on architecture (1963), p. 188.
I wanted to copy the passage anyway, and now it's with even more implications.

2010.11.01 17:08
Extension Cord Architectures
Perhaps you're better suited for that assignment. Call it Pigeon-holed Architectures.
My publisher just called and asked that I include a chapter entitled "Afraid to cut the cord". What do you think that's supposed to mean?
And thanks to all those who have already sent me pictures of all the wires in their office. Talk about being plugged-in.

2010.11.01 14:54
Extension Cord Architectures
Please post pictures of all the wires in your office.
I'm writing a book, Extension Cord Architectures, and I need up-to-the-minute material yesterday. If this book is a hit, my publisher promises I can then write Plug-In Air-Freshened Architectures. The sweet smell of success, I guess.

2010.10.23 18:05
Best/worst Halloween costumes
I'm going out as a minaret in Switerland and my wife is going out as the Ground Zero Mosque and our son is going out as Juan Williams on an airplane and our daughter is going out as Tina Fey as Sarah Palin (she wanted to go out as all the women Don Draper slept with, but we nixed that). Our neighbors are all going out as a Tea Party.

2010.10.15 15:57
Le Corbusier a Nazi simpathizer?
Start talking about the art [architecture] involved and see what happens
Or is this just a projective coincidence?

2010.10.15 15:39
Can Someone Explain the Meaning of Projective Practice?
"To understand what exactly is meant by these terms hermeneutic and material practice it is perhaps more interesting if we compare them with a third term 'projective practice' which aims at a very similar redefinition of practice and places these 'redefinitions' in the context of the current debate described earlier. The term 'projective' is put forward in the article 'Notes around the Doppler Effect and other Moods of Modernism' by Robert Somol and Sarah Whiting. When Somol & Whiting introduce the term 'projective'. They also address the problem of the theory-practice distinction but in a far more indirect way, in their argument these are still very much intertwined. The article starts off with the heading "from critical to projective". This needs some further explanation. . ."
Edwin Gardner, 2010.10.12
Lots of similar articles all over the web.
I remember enjoying Aureli and Orazi's "The Solitude of the Project" and maybe this time I'll again finish Tafuri's "The Historical 'Project'".
As to definitions, this is my favorite:
projective 1 b : not metrical : not involving size and measurment but only relative position, incidences, and coincidences
especially the coincidences.
Like I've already said, all the world's a next stage.

2010.10.13 11:23
Le Corbusier a Nazi simpathizer?
"Art fears neither dictators nor repression; nor yet conservatism and cliché. If required, art can be narrowly religious or crudely statist; it can strip itself of all individuality and still retain its greatness. Art is flexible enough to fit into every Procrustean bed proffered by history . . ."
Andrei Sinyavsky
Start talking about the art [architecture] involved and see what happens.
Anyone here remember damnatio memoriae?
Or is it "how soon they forget" to forget?
What's next?
Actually, there is no "law of silence" subject heading within wikipedia. Perhaps someone should fix that. Perhaps even someone who has personal experience with...
"Hey, shut up! Or else!"
"And as for you all, You must stop listening to that!"

2010.10.09 22:07
Le Corbusier a Nazi simpathizer?
"...all buildings constructed after 1950 contain an expiration date, the death of architecture equals, potentially, the rebirth of the city."
--who said that?
The same goes for academic babble control?
Dmitri Chechulin did eventually manage to realize the design of the Aeroflot Building in another incarnation--the RSFSR House of the Soviets (the Russian Parliament, colloquially known as the White House), completed in 1981.
Architects under Stalin, let's hear it for them!
just e.g.
Alexei Dushkin, N. Knyazev, Autozavodskaya metro station, Moscow, 1943.
and all that other triumphalism.

2010.08.17 08:46
So, How's Architecture These Days?
Re: Madoff paradigm
But are the fortunate architects benefitting via the unfortunate architects losing their shirts?

An excursus between 'Bilocation Syndrome' and 'Going into Eclectic Shock/Therapy':
1762 Ichnographia Campus Martius
1960-65 Eleanor Donnelly Erdman Hall
1960-67 Dr. and Mrs. Norman Fisher House
1965-69 Dominican Motherhouse of St. Catherine de Ricci
1977 UNEP Headquarters
1979 Kasperson Residence
1979 Wissenschaftzentrum
1980 The Long Gallery House
1981 Institute of Contemporary Art
1982 Cooper & Pratt House
1982-87 Winton Guest House
1993 Wacko House 002
1993 Sober House 1
1999 Infringement Complex
2001 Ten Zen Men
2001 Room with a View
2002 NATO Headquarters
2006 Parrish Art Museum
2007 Hurva Dormitories
2007 Gooding Trice House
2007 Trivilla Savoye
2008 Hospice Søndergård
2008 Art Souq
2009 Basel Burghof




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