96122101 U.S. Capitol model
errors in "speaking architecture"
And I now wonder whether it might be more worthwhile to seek a language of architecture where the medium is the message, or is such a 1=1 language the same as "a language of architecture that goes beyond appeals to a metaphorical sense of 'language'?"
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07122101 IQ01 plans 2392i21
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12122101 Wave Wall House 2 perspectives elevations 2410i02
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14122101 1830 Berlin 1100x550 plan 2121i00
14122102 Custom House of the Packhof 1100x550 plan 2122i00
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14122104 Monument for Friedrich the Great 1100x550 plan 2404i29
14122105 Philadelphia City Hall plan 22002 context orthagonal 2133i01
14122106 Philadelphia City Hall 1100x550 plan 2133i00
14122107 Eiffel Tower 1100x550 plan IQ context 2135i00
14122108 Reading Terminal Headhouse 1100x550 plan 2136i00
14122109 John Wanamaker Store 1100x550 plan 2137i00
14122110 IQ08 Philadelphia plan 2392i95
14122111 Maison Dom-ino 1100x550 plan Pruitt-Igoe/NNTC 2140i00
14122101 Sou Fujimoto Architects House of Hungarian Music Városliget Budapest
16122101 Mestres Wåge.MX-SI New Art Museum and Cultural Quarter Kristiansand
17122101 aa Ichnographia Ink Blot Ichnographia Campus Martius plans 2467i06
17122102 aa Garden of Satire Ichnographia Campus Martius plans 2467i07
17122103 Ichnographia Campus Martius Roma Interrotta Sectors plan images 223gi04
17122104 Palace of Versailles Robie House Maison Dom-ino Whitemarsh Hall Maison du Peintre Ozenfant Schindler-Chace House Schroder House Villa Stein de Monzie Villa à Garches Single House Weissenhof plans 2092i21
17122105 Schröder House plans elevations sections axonometrics 2147i04