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2015.02.13 16:13
This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
Regarding "the depth of architectural debate today" it seems like so the building, so the criticism. Yes, they match here, don't they.
"I'm just starting to read a collection of critical essays on James Joyce, and so far it's interesting to see how Joyce's unique creativity seems to induce a creativity from the essayists that they might not normally have. I've sometimes noticed a similar effect when reading critical essays on Duchamp. Philippe Duboy's Lequeu: An Architectural Enigma is perhaps the apotheosis of this kind of critical effect creativity.
Is it then a fair hypothesis that one's critical deliberation of a unique creativity might well engender an as yet uncommon creativity from oneself?"

2015.07.11 14:13
Poor Doors of Perception: discriminatory design, collapsing balconies, and virtual realities on Archinect Sessions #36
No doubt, the usual suspects.

2015.07.11 15:48
Gehry's modified Eisenhower Memorial design gets green light from National Capital Planning Commission
"As the champion of an obscene archaeology, the lewd Lequeu was to exploit the same visual technique as Piranesi's tailpiece 'The Ruins of Horace's Villa', which rounds off his Apologetical Essay... ...Piranesi's sharp reply to this accusation was a graphic insult, stronzo (or turd), an example of Lequeu's favourite device of obscene 'melodrame'.
Page 49 is really only one of the answers, but actually there was another reason.
...the decoration of the English Coffee-House in Rome:

Piranesi :: Lequeu
Started to notice a kinship between Lequeu's Architecture Civile and Piranesi's Diverse Maniere d'adornare i cammini.

2016.07.26 11:05
Adam (sans Eve) in the Garden of Satire
While having breakfast...
"There is a quality of imagination which makes the work, even without knowing about the process, stand on its own. But the knowledge that there is a process throws the reader into a state of being uncertain, and even while knowing that there is no way of rediscovering the process, and even if one enjoys simply reading the text, the fact that there is a secret transforms the experience of reading into one of deciphering, a game, a more complex undertaking, more disturbing, more anxious than when on reads a simple text for the pure pleasure of it."
...then remembering to remember the tropological spacing of Learning from Las Vegas' strip vis-à-vis Canina's Appian Way.
fill in the blank and the labyrinth
eternal wrest and the labyrinth
p. 41
...(that is, 'In Iacq Lequeu ' meaning 'il n'y a que Lequeu' or 'There's only Lequeu;). (This was the pun-loving nineteenth century.) more like sic eighteenth century



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