5 November 312
Eutropia took Helena to the Sessorium, and Helena decided to live there.
5 November 1778 Thursday
5 November 1812 Thursday
Thin fog which was soon dissipated leaving the ground and grass wet as from small rain and the sky clear. ... Michael O Neale, a hired man, began today to dig trenches for planting a hedge from the NE corner of Northfield. I went to town PM. Searched for Marshall Key; he was gone to Chestnut Hill to see Redheffer's self moving Machine and had not returned. B. Warner understood to see him and invite him to dine at SL's. It began to rain about 6 and continued with ...... ..... during the night.
Robert and myself having been employed this forenoon in transplanting fruit trees to the outer parts of the clearing in the south west front. Cherrie Pears Persimmon
5 November 2000

5 November 2011
Quondam's Fifteenth Anniversary
Lately I've been into Rorschach Ink Blot Test Architecture. Makes things a lot easier, like no more concerns over iconography, representation, indexicality, etc. It's whatever the beholder thinks it is.
...what came to my mind was the fluid associational glue that bonds icons and representation, hence the idea of Rorschach Ink Blot Test architecture. Yes, iconography is somehow always going to be there, but just maybe the associational glue could remain forever elastic as well. Or is it that the iconography remains forever elastic and the associational glue is somehow always going to be there?
Quondam's Fifteenth Anniversary
What I'd like to do more of is 'fictitious historical dialogue'.
As of yesterday, reading Duboy (again) along with ongoing Montesquieu and spotty Foucault--bricolage plus letters plus Las Meninas etc. Mix that with 'fictitious historical dialogue' and you have my next book project.
It's a book about all kinds of style. The working title is über œuvred e suicidal. Piranesi hires a Quaker lawyer to fix historical inaccuracies while the Quaker lawyer hires Piranesi to design an historically accurate house. Neither knew of the other's true propensity--playful double-meaning meets good-natured honesty--yet they discover themselves to be a formidable team. You'll think you're laughing and you'll laugh about thinking.
For almost two months now, I've had one meal a day (usually lunch) sitting next to one of the last people to have lived in Ury House. I'd love to talk with her, but she has pretty bad dementia. She can talk, but not with any coherence. Once, however, she told me, "You're full of it." I said, "What?!" She said, "Goodness."
On the way out of the dining room it's now tradition to share warm greetings with SR, a Holocaust survivor, who endured two years in a Nazi concentration camp until being released by US troops. He I can converse with, but not in any real depth. Apparently, he and my mother have breakfast together, and speak to each other in German, even.
5 November 2012
The Language of Architecture
Suggested reading:
The Language of Post-Modern Architecture (1977)
"language of the plans" (1996-2005)
"innuendo" (2000)
The Metropolis Dictionary of Advanced Architecture (2003)
Index Architecture (2003)
Atlas of Novel Tectonics (2006)
5 November 2016
Mount Stanley, Fox Chase Farm. Mount Stanley is opposite the hill of Ury Farm. Both hills are the same elevation, about 250 feet.
5 November 2017
5 November 2022 Saturday
Thermae Helenae Amphitheatrum Castrense Basilica Sessoriana Aurelian Wall Circus of Elagabalus