Stephen Lauf

Library 2     kit of parts


A (computer-aided) Design Kit of Parts
Computer-aided design affords easy storage, retrieval, and manipulation of "drawing" data. Moreover, CAD's 3-dimensional capabilities facilitate the accumulation of fully formed building elements that, likewise, can be retrieved for further use and design manipulation.
Although seemingly contrary to individual creativity, the possibility of creating a computerized version of an architectural lingua franca exists nonetheless, and a digital architectural lexicon could prove as valuable to designing as a dictionary is to writing and a good vocabulary is to speaking.
seeking precedents... ...finding inspiration

Inspiration XIV
...what to do next with the kit of parts[?] ...incorporate the kit of parts into Acropolis Q or into the Parkway Interpolation. Everything is getting more and more connected.

project notes
...spontaneous manipulations of the various pieces. Rotate, scale, and combine them in totally unrelated ways...

BIA & Towards a New Dexterity
assimilation of the data and then multiple manipulation of the data. ...a crossover between BIA and Towards a New Dexterity.

Ichnographia as a base for Quondam models
...the idea of placing the model collection into some kind of context--an imaginary context--and now the idea of using the Ichnographia as the base plan for the context. Moreover, the "program" of the Ichnographia could inform the museum context. For example, the Porticus Septa Julia is analogous to Plecnik's Houses Under a Common Roof (although perhaps not close in scale?). This presents the opportunity to place other models in other analogous situations.
...including Parkway Interpolation as well as the whole Center City model. This is also the prefect environment for the library elements, and indeed all the 2d and 3d data.
...the makings of an extremely virtual place. Like the Ichnographia, the whole design could manifest a message, and that message may be a critique of architecture today, starting with putting Laguna, Mayor and Wacko in place of the Garden of Satire.

Otherwise Eyes
Collection: display the two element libraries and the mesh surface libraries.

2021.05.28 -




Quondam © 2021.05.29