20 July 1778 Monday
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Artifacts of the Bianconi vs Piranesi 'Circus of Caracalla' affair 1772-1789
Giovanni Lodovico Bianconi's "Elogio Storico del Cavaliere Giovanni Battista Piranesi Celebre Antiquario ed Incisore de Roma" (1779)
paragraph fifteen
In mezzo a tante belle imprese s’ammalò il nostro artefice, e dopo breve malattina passò da questa vita li 9 novembre 1778. Fu solennemente portato il cadavere a S. Andrea delle Fratte, ove resta per ora in deposito sino a che sarà determinata la chiesa in cui gli si erigga un bel sepolcro com’egli ha sempre desiderato. A questo giusto tributo di amore e di gloria pensano i di lui figli, e lo scultore Angelini è incaricato di fare in bel marmo la statua del defunto più grande del naturale.
In the midst of so many beautiful undertakings our craftsman fell ill, and after a brief illness passed from this life on November 9, 1778. The body was solemnly taken to S. Andrea delle Fratte, where it remains for the time being in deposit until the church in which a beautiful sepulcher is erected for him as he has always desired. His children thought of this just tribute of love and glory, and the sculptor Angelini was commissioned to make the statue of the deceased in beautiful marble larger than life.
paragraph sixteen
Non diamo il catalogo di tutte le opere e di tutti i rami di questo grand’uomo, perché è stampato, e trovasi per tutto. Sentiamo che siasi rinvenuto un rotolo di molti fogli contenenti le memorie della sua vita scritti da lui, e desideriamo che vengano pubblicati colle stampe.
We do not give the catalog of all the works and branches of this great man, because it is printed and can be found everywhere. We hear that a roll of many sheets containing the memoirs of his life written by him has been found, and we want them to be published in print.
paragraph seventeen
Fu il Piranesi di persona piuttosto grande, bruno di carnagione con occhi vivacissimi, e non mai fermi. La di lui fisionomia era aggradevole, benché di uomo piuttosto serio e riflessivo. Se la posterità crederà vedere la sua figura in un busto che di lui sta all’accademia dei Pittori a S. Martina s’ingannerà, perché non gli rassomiglia punto. Fu parlatore più abbondante che eloquente, stentando a spiegarsi con chiarezza. Concepiva però a maraviglia le idee del bello nell’arte del disegno, e le esprimeva ne’ suoi rami con una rara felicità. È stato in somma un uomo singolare, e sarà nel regno delle belle arti il di lui nome immortale.
It was Piranesi, rather large in person, dark in complexion with very lively and never still eyes. His physiognomy was pleasant, although of a rather serious and thoughtful man. If posterity believes to see his figure in a bust of him that is in the Academy of Painters in S. Martina, it will be deceived, because it bears no resemblance to him. He was more abundant than eloquent talker, struggling to explain himself clearly. However, he marveled at the ideas of the beautiful in the art of drawing, and expressed them in his branches with a rare happiness. In short, he was a singular man, and his immortal name will be in the realm of the fine arts.
46 y.o. Francesco Piranesi 1804
Le Antichità della Magna Grecia Parte I
Plan of two Tuscan Atriums and Pluviatum by Vitruvius adapted to various courtyards of the houses opposite that of the Surgeon in Pompeii.
Drawn by G.B. Piranesi
Engraved by F. Piranesi Year 12 (1804)
20 July 1812 Monday
Morning clear, wind N, temperature 67°. I read a note at 1/2 past 5 from Dr. Hunt wishing me to go to town today, to arrange matters relative to the Judgement[?] of Brownjohn. I wrote him that I could not leave home till the end of the week. I got home this morning a bull calf which will be 6 weeks old tomorrow, he is of uncommon size and beauty of a ....[?] color with a white shaped[?] heart shaped in his front, hence I call him Leucops or whiteface. Temperature rose to 80°. Endeavoring to make the calf go round the pole[?] of my deal[?] to unwind the rope by which he was tied, he ran against me with such violence as to throw me down and I fell so as to receive the greater part of my weight against my ribs on the anterior part of my right side, causing considerable pain within my chest. Without the appearance of an external breeze, wind drew to WSerly.
20 July 2018
one zero two
20 July 2020
20 July 2023 Thursday
Born at Moscow, Hélène Gregoroffsky is a niece of General Alexander Focke, who distinguished himself at the Battle of Beresina. Hélène was orphaned at a young age. She is taken under the care (patronage) of Mrs. Kremer and raised within the Kremer family. She speaks Russian, French, German and English fluently.
Who were Hélène Gregoroffsky's parents? Did General Alexander Focke have any sisters? If the answers exist anywhere, they would be in Russia.
Czar Paul I b. 1754 emp. 1796 d. 1801
Czar Alexander I b. 1777 emp. 1801 d. 1825
Hélène Gregoroffsky Fisher b. circa 1789-90 married/widowed 1813 d. 1828