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1999.08.26 09:53
Re: empire of light
...scale, which today often goes unrecognized and/or accessed (however, Koolhass via SMLXL has certainly brought the scale issue to contemporary attention, and, of course, Venturi et al have paid close attention to the often overlooked obviousness of comparative architecture scale earlier). We are more used to thinking of scale in terms of physical magnitude/size, and indeed comparative analysis of such scale in architecture (e.g. seeing varieties of building plans at the same scale) is most times revealing of a architectural "dimension" not normally taken notice of. Scale can be a good theme to follow when comparing architecture...
00082601 Working Title Museum 004 model
040826a Dominican Motherhouse aerial perpective   2206i07
040826b Dominican Motherhouse aerial perpective   2206i08
040826c Dominican Motherhouse aerial perpective   2206i09
040826d Dominican Motherhouse aerial perpective   2206i10
040826e Dominican Motherhouse aerial perpective   2206i11
040826f Dominican Motherhouse aerial perpective   2206i12
040826g Dominican Motherhouse aerial perpective   2206i13
040826h Dominican Motherhouse aerial perpective   2206i14
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2008.08.26 11:32
"wildly influential" or really only virtually influential?
[Woods'] "designs were wildly influential, closely studied by younger architects who sought to apply their ideas in the real world."
"It is my firm opinion that Eisenman is the most influential American architect of the last half of the 20th century."
and yet...
"Has the profession (and increasingly architecture is a profession not a discipline, incapable of a critical or even intelligent discourse) produced any architecture of value in the last decade? Not much."
influence : the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others
So how exactly does one quantify the influence of Woods and Eisenman?
If Woods and Eisenman are indeed so influential, then perhaps they should be held accountable.
2008.08.26 12:41
"wildly influential" or really only virtually influential?
...perhaps cities are just becoming more and more incoherent.
2008.08.26 12:46
"wildly influential" or really only virtually influential?
The reality is though, that even in flush times a lot of 'speculative' architecture is designed, meaning all the projects that never get built or go beyond schematics.
If the virtual architecture of Woods is some kind of a gauge, then all forms of real and virtual architecture should be considered in the overall picture.
2008.08.26 15:40
"wildly influential" or really only virtually influential?
I don't buy the notion of Woods cultivating a self-critical vision for architecture because the real result/influence of his work is an aesthetic (pioneered more by Morphosis and Cooper Union of the early 1980s, Mad Max and Blade Runner) that does not necessarily reflect the nature of our time. Moreover, I don't buy the notion that a self-critical vision for architecture cannot or does not occur while designing and/or building buildings.
2008.08.26 16:50
"wildly influential" or really only virtually influential?
But is what Woods produces really anything more than an aesthetic?
2008.08.26 20:17
"wildly influential" or really only virtually influential?
It's not a throwing out of the critical position, it's looking at the manifestations of the critical position and finding not much more than an aesthetic.
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2009.08.26 17:19
Postmodernism sucks... discuss
"In the future, all architecture will be post-modern for fifteen minutes."
"What the hell's wrong with you?! Never seen a green architect before?"
14082601 Eclectic Houses at Acropolia Q model plan 223ai07
15082601 Aires Mateus House Monsaraz
15082602 Estudio Barozzi Veiga Office Building for the Deutsche Bundestag Berlin
18082601 Villa Shodhan model work 217si03
19082601 GAUA 004 wireframe model opaque work 2458i19
21082601 Grotta Residence plans 2264i05