2002.11.08 17:31
Did you know that the notion of reenacting the BEST Showroom on interior walls has already been done as a tribute to Izenour at the Fabric Workshop?
a place that no longer exists, a quondam place...
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06110801 Acropolis Q model in progress 2285i04 b
06110802 Acropolis Q axonometrics 2266i09
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2007.11.08 17:11
Name that Architect and Building!!!
Regarding the National Bank of the Republic, it is Robert Venturi that made the building well known in Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture.
When Louis Sullivan worked for Frank Furness, the architect's office was on the same block (300 Chestnut Street) as the National Bank of the Republic (or it was the next block west?).
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14110801 BIG Smithsonian Campus Washington DC
14110802 NL architects Pandora | crossoverzaal Tivoli Vredenburg Utrecht
16110801 Netherlands Architecture Institute plans elevations sections 2253i01
16110802 NNTC Ottopia Pyramids UNEP Infringement Complex plans models IQ55 IQ58 2413i40 b
16110803 UNEP model NNTC Ottopia plans IQ55 IQ58 2235i09
16110804 Infringement Complex model NNTC Ottopia plans IQ55 IQ58 2308i04
17110801 ICMS05 plans 4400x2200 2110i122
17110802 ICMS06 plans 4400x2200 2110i123
19110801 iq20 Philadelphia/Camden base plan 2093i107
19110802 iq20 Philadelphia/Camden model work 2093i108
21110801 Museum of Architecture Venice model work 2245i27