7 July circa 716 BC
Disappearance--'ascension'--of Romulus in a whirlwind.
7 July 1778 Tuesday
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Artifacts of the Bianconi vs Piranesi 'Circus of Caracalla' affair 1772-1789
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46 y.o. Francesco Piranesi 1804
Le Antichità della Magna Grecia Parte I
Plans Elevations and Sections of the Thermopolium, or of the 1st. Shop on the left, intended like our Caffées to sell hot drinks.
Drawn by G.B. Piranesi
Engraved by F. Piranesi Year 12 (1804)
7 July 1812 Tuesday
Morning clear, wind N very light, temperature 75°. The wind drew to NE, thence PM to SW, temperature rose to 91. Thunder clouds appeared around the horizon, darkest in the N and NW. About 5 the wind drew to W and subsided to a calm. A gentle shower succeeded, the dark clouds disappeared, the horizon became clear in the W and N and indicates fair weather. I read today S. Jerryson[?] on the origin of evil. It is a very ingenious performance, but the author did not understand the subject when he wrote it. Had he undertaken it after he had studied Christianity and written it on its internal evidences, he would have written otherwise, or not at all, on this subject.
7 July 1998
Piranesi lives in the "Garden of Satire"
It dawned on me today that since Piranesi lived at the top of the Spanish Steps, he may then have placed the Horti Luciliani purposefully in the same location within the Ichnographia. If this is so, then Piranesi deliberately places himself (figuratively) within the garden of the father of Roman satire. I certainly wouldn't be surprised if this were the case, and now I have to find the exact location of Piranesi's home, check its location on the Nolli map, and then find the exact location within the Ichnographia. I'm not sure if the exact spot will be significant, but it will be good to know nonetheless.
Piranesi lives in the "Garden of Satire" 2
...I'm not absolutely certain that this is where Piranesi lived in 1757. ...could this be seen as Piranesi directly identifying himself with Lucilian as a "modern" father of Roman satire.
...find out if Piranesi has in other cases made a direct connection between himself, his work and satire. There is one engraving called Satirical vignette against Bertrand Chaupy something where an island(?) is made to look like a turd.
7 July 2005
Krautheimer and Johnson
It just never occurred to him before that the Mausoleum of Romulus/Circus of Maxentius complex (which reenacts the almost two hundred years earlier Mausoleum of Hadrian/Circus of Hadrian complex) became the paradigm, albeit inverted, for all the Roman Christian "church" architecture immediately after the Basilica Constantiniani (St. John Lateran) and the Basilica San Pietro Vaticano. That aerial shot of the Mausoleum of Constantina (Santa Costanza) adjacent the circus-like dining hall first "basilica" of St. Agnes made it all so clear. If only the circus-like dining hall first "basilica" of Sts. Pietro and Marcellinus adjacent the Mausoleum of Helena were still to be seen from the air. How clever of Eutropia and Helena to invert the pagan 'munus' architecture into Christian 'munus' architecture, and how very clever of Piranesi to secretly hide all this architectural history information within the ever quaestio abstrusa Ichnographia Campus Martius.
7 July 2016
7 July 2020
7 July 2023 Friday
There was a power outage here for several hours early this morning.