97122701ICM Horti Luciliani PMA
97122702 ICM Turres expugnandae Eakins Oval
97122703 ICM Horti Anters Hotel Pia
2002.12.27 13:47
Re: WTC design reflections
While religion might be for the most part absent from thinking about the site now (officially at least), the notion of worship is nonetheless still present. I wonder how many houses of worship the WTC site could comfortably accommodate among the rest of what is (commercially and commemoratively) proposed. Do any of the new proposals specifically address pilgrimage? Or is pilgrimage only something (to be) attached to the forthcoming memorial proposals?
There are memorials everywhere all over this planet, and, unfortunately, most are soon and easily forgotten--when's the last time you went specifically to an old memorial to specifically remember what is there being memorialized? There are comparatively few memorials on this planet that are pilgrimage sites as well.
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07122701 Museum of Knowledge new site plan 2185i04
07122702 Museum of Knowledge model and site 2185i05
10122701 ICM upper Janiculum 2110i85
10122702 Ichnographia Campus Martius 2110i86
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2012.12.27 11:54
27 December
I was wrong to not superimpose the circus of the Sessorian district over the Ludus Florae.
Finished watching Visconti's L'Innocente Tuesday night, and watched von Trier's Melancholia last night--strange to see two movies but only hear one soundtrack.
Strange too was that dream last night--ancient Egyptian graffiti portending Johnson's rescue of Mies while also manifesting factual evidence that Akhenaten and Quondam are the same thing leading then to a critical confrontation at the bench tree of the cow pasture high point.
12122701 Basilica Sessorianum @ Ludus Florae 206ci13
13122701 ICM all the non-Allen typologies plans 206fi21
15122701 Acropolia Q on the Parkway site plan museum compilation
15122702 Acropolia Q on the Parkway model site plan
15122703 Mosque Q site plan Ottopia
15122704 Mosque Q model Ottopia
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17122701 IQ18 Hyper Architecturism Circus of Caligula Palace of Assembly IPC Berlin Olivetti HQ Milton Keynes Cut & Paste Museum 30th Street Station Railyard Lustgarten Steps plans image 2468i01 b
17122702 IQ19 Hyper Architecturism Circus of Caligula Sepulcher Hadriani Circus of Hadrian St. Peter's Square City Hall Redux Market Street East Development Parkway Interpolation Acropolis Q Calder Museum Duchamp Inn plans 2468i02
18122701 Frank Gehry YOLA Center Inglewood
18122702 SANAA Naoshima Port Honmura
19122701 GAUAsect10 base model work 2429i390
19122702 GAUAsect10 base model work 2429i391
20122701 iqq18 plan work images 2468i117
20122702 iqq18 plan 2468i118
20122703 iqq14 plan Philharmonic Neue Nationalgalerie Victims 2468i119
20122704 Philharmonie plan 218gi02