17 August 1778 Monday
Piranesi didn't get much etching done Saturday, and he took off Sunday--there was pain, but he didn't mention it--and now, Monday, he's ready to get the job done. He reckons it will take about two weeks to be completely finished, proofed and all.
Artifacts of the Bianconi vs Piranesi 'Circus of Caracalla' affair 1772-1789
Tavola XVI Painting of the Androne.
48 y.o. Francesco Piranesi 1806
Le Antichità della Magna Grecia Parte II
Sections of the two-storey house supplemented in its parts which have been distinguished by engraving them in line, and leaving the existing parts in chiaroscuro.
Drawn by G.B. Piranesi
Engraved by F. Piranesi Year 1806
17 August 1812 Monday
Very heavy showers between midnight and daybreak. Morning thick drizzling clouds, wind N, temperature about 66°. Between 9 and 10 wind blew somewhat Eerly, the clouds broke and began to rain. PM sky became clear, temperature rose to 75°. I had intended for town this morning, but the road being very wet and the sky threatening rain, I postpone till tomorrow morning. Employed in writing most of the day. Evening visited TW.
17 August 1977
17 August 1990
fragments, that's all panel 2 Helmut Jahn/Sting eyeball collage 1985.07.10
17 August 2023 Thursday
Apparemment Pâris reçoit de l'argent de Paris indépendamment de sa bourse de pensionnaire. Ainsi le voyons-nous tirer de l'argent d'un certain "MT Rondel" chez le banquier Cioja (ou Cioia), banquier ordinaire de l'Académie de France.
Pour ce qui est de sa vie quotidienne, l'été, Pâris se baigne dans le Tibre. Durant le mois d'août 1772 la baignade est presque tous les jours à son programme.
Il écrit à ses amis, J.Fr.Th. Chalgrin, Hubert Robert, Laurent Grimod de La Reynière, Lefaivre et son fils, ou évidemment L.Fr. Trouard.
Le jeune Trouard, justement l'occupe beaucoup. Pâris est content de ses dessins, mais beaucoup moins de sa lecture et de son écriture en italien.
"Je le reprend toujours sur les mêmes fautes". Il est quelquefois obligé de le gronder, car il écrit mal, et de plus il ment. Pour Pâris c'est une occupation quotidienne. Voici, par exemple, une note du "Journal" prise le 11 janvier 1772: " [...] depuis longtems je le menaçois de lui jeter son
chapeau à terre lorsqu'il ne salueroit pas les étrangers, je l'ai fait, il m'a paru que cela lui avoit fait sensation". Puis d'autres prises les 16 et 17 février 1772 : "Mr Trouard en a reçu une [lettre] de son papa et j'ai remarqué avec plaisir qu'il lui couloit des larmes des yeux en la lisant"; "[...] de là je suis allé voir Mr Trouard que je n'avois pas vu de la journée. Je l'ai trouvé qui avoit changé d'habit avec la signorina Marianna. Quoique très bien de figure comme garçon, il est mal en fille". Car Louis-Alexandre loge toujours chez la "signora Marthe". C'est seulement au début de l'année 1773 qu'il sera admis au palais Mancini: "[... le père vous priera, je crois, que vous permettiés que cet enfant puisse loger avec Paris, qui luy est d'un très grand avantage pour ce fils", écrit Natoire à Marigny le 24 février 1773. La demande de Louis-François Trouard fut vite prise en compte car Pâris notera dans son "Journal qui commence le 1 er avril 1773": "J'ai pris Mr Trouard avec moi le 27 mars. Je lui ai loué un lit huit sols par mois et j'ai payé le premier d'avance".
Apparently Paris receives money from Paris independently of his boarding school scholarship. Thus we see him draw money from a certain "MT Rondel" at the banker Cioja (or Cioia), ordinary banker of the Academy of France.
As for his daily life, in the summer, Paris bathes in the Tiber. During the month of August 1772 bathing was on his program almost every day.
He writes to his friends, J.Fr.Th. Chalgrin, Hubert Robert, Laurent Grimod de La Reynière, Lefaivre and his son, or of course L.Fr. Trouard.
The young Trouard, precisely, occupies him a lot. Pâris is happy with his drawings, but much less with his reading and writing in Italian.
"I always take him back on the same faults". He is sometimes obliged to scold him, because he writes badly, and moreover he lies. For Paris it is a daily occupation. Here, for example, is a note from the "Journal" taken on January 11, 1772: "[...] hat on the ground when he did not greet strangers, I did it, it seemed to me that it caused him a sensation". Then other takes on February 16 and 17, 1772: "Mr Trouard received one [letter] from his dad and I noticed with pleasure that tears flowed from his eyes as he read it"; "[...] from there I went to see Mr Trouard whom I had not seen from the daytime. I found him who had changed clothes with Signorina Marianna. Although he looks very good as a boy, he is bad as a girl". Because Louis-Alexandre always stays with the "signora Marthe". It is only at the beginning of the year 1773 that he will be admitted to the Mancini palace: "[... the father will ask you, I believe, that you allow this child to be able to stay with Paris, which is of great advantage to him for this son", wrote Natoire to Marigny on February 24, 1773. The request of Louis- François Trouard was quickly taken into account because Pâris will note in his "Journal which begins on April 1, 1773": "I took Mr Trouard with me on March 27. I rented him a bed for eight sols a month and paid for the first one in advance".
Pierre Pinon, Pierre-Adrien Pâris architecte (1745-1819) ou l'archéologie malgré soi (doctoral thesis, 1997), pp. 44-5.
Bianconi's Doctoring Piranesi episode seven: "When in Rome: The Francesco and Louis-Alexandre Story"