2007.10.14 12:00
Eisenman debates Wolf D Prix at a crit -- Google Video
Now I get it! Eisenman and Prix are reenacting some random archinect/forum thread, and this thread is now reenacting that reenactment.
"Is your wavelength VHF or UHF?"
2007.10.14 11:35
Eisenman debates Wolf D Prix at a crit -- Google Video
Too bad Rita Novel and Wolfhilde von Schlittenfahrt are never asked to be on any architectural juries. Arts & Entertainment x 2 indeed!
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2007.10.14 11:22
Eisenman debates Wolf D Prix at a crit -- Google Video
The Bernini brothers on stage--theatrics x 2 indeed.
Comparatively, Eisenman and Prix, theatrics x 0.
2007.10.13 23:02
Eisenman debates Wolf D Prix at a crit -- Google Video
So that's why tuition is so costly. It's bullshit perfected!
2007.10.13 11:54
Positive notes
Quondam on/off
I started the notion of an on Quondam and an off Quondam yesterday. The on Quondam is the regular Quondam and the off Quondam is where the museum will be experimental and offer an alternative history (of architecture). I haven’t removed the existing Quondam material, and I probably won’t do that until I finish schizophrenia + architectures.
I have more of an idea of what to do for off rather than on. To be honest, however, I don’t know what I’m going to do because I just don’t seem to be interested in any of it anymore. I have all the material in the collected images and the copyright free texts to fill a large installment of on. If nothing else, off will be the opposite of on or perhaps a tangent of thoughts out of the ordinary or even contrary to the norm.
The on/off Quondam was a continuation of the mirror image Quondam began 1999.07.17
I like how animated giffs are being explored again.
Is it the crest or the trough of the wavelength that hits you first?
Ah, a crest Quondam and a trough Quondam.
Is a virtual illusion the same as a real illusion?
2007.10.13 11:31
Right Brain vs. Left Brain Test
oscillating figure animated at 1 second iterations, no loop
oscillating figure animated at 1 second iterations, continuous loop
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2007.10.12 17:29
Right Brain vs. Left Brain Test
metamechanic, that's true. The gif animation software I used is on an older computer and the refresh rate of that monitor also probably slightly altered the iteration of what I saw there.
2007.10.12 17:26
Right Brain vs. Left Brain Test
Also, as opposed to being (just) the brain, it could well be that not all eyes perceive at exactly the same frequency. Some people may just be able to more intensely focus than others.
2007.10.12 17:17
Right Brain vs. Left Brain Test
I just realized that what I could do is slow the image down by editing the iterations and then you could all see what's quicker than the eye. Maybe tomorrow.
Oh, at first I thought she looked like a perfect Christian, and then I blinked and then she looked like a perfect Jew, and then I tore her apart a found out she really an oscillation!
SL: "All reality is the same thing."
JW: "So what is that same thing?"
SL: "A wavelength."
JW: "That's a good answer."
2007.10.12 17:09
Right Brain vs. Left Brain Test
I just looked at the animated gif file within animated gif construction software, and seeing all the images that make up the animation reveals why sometimes the images can be seen to change directions (which I can 'make' it do by carefully crossing my eyes). It's hard to explain, but imagine watching the figures back as she moves her right leg from side to side. Add to this that each individual rendition of the figure is not a solid color but rather partially shaded to one side--because of the super fast iterations (.03 seconds) of the animation the moving figure appears solid gray. The trick to making the figure change direction seems to lie within catching the super quick iteration. It seems to be a matter of which frequency of the wavelength of the animated image one initially picks up on, and that frequency sticks until you blink or move/cross your eyes and then happen to pick up on the 'opposite' wave oscillation.
It could be that different brains have a propensity to pick up one wave of the oscillation over the other, but it also seems to be more just a matter of what 'time' of the oscillation one intially captures.
2007.10.12 11:27
Negative notes
You mean the peer review missed the mis-situation?